History of Transylvania
general editor, Béla Köpeczi ; editors, László Makkai, András Mócsy, Zoltán Szász ; assistant editor, Gábor Barta ; the Hungarian original by Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ; editor of the English translation, Bennett Kovrig ; primary translation by Péter Szaffkó et al
(Atlantic studies on society in change, no. 106-108)(East European monographs, no. 581,
Social Science Monographs , Atlantic Research and Publications , Distributed by Columbia University Press, 2001-
v. 1239.1||1||300100635056,
v. 3914.708E/H673/v.3110222981, OPAC v. 1230||Ea||58141477802, Co-published with the Hungarian Research Institute of Canada Includes bibliographical references and indexes Vol. 1. From the beginning to 1606 -- v. 2. From 1606 to 1830 -- v. 3. From 1830 to 1919 v. 1 ISBN 9780880334792 内容説明 v. 2 ISBN 9780880334914 内容説明 v. 3 ISBN 9780880334976 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Social Science Monographs , Atlantic Research and Publications , Distributed by Columbia University Press
East European Quarterly , Distributed by Columbia University Press
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