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: set ISBN 9780415295284
What is knowledge? What is the extent of our knowledge? What are the sources of knowledge? Is there any genuine knowledge?
Epistemology is one of the core areas of philosophy. It is concerned with the nature, sources and limits of knowledge. There is a vast array of views about those topics, and the titles selected here provide a range of these different perspectives. Included are works by Emile Meyerson, whose deliberations on the philsophy of the intellect were to command the respect of his contemporaries; a further study on the ideas of Meyerson himself by Jospeh LaLumia; and a collection of writings by British epistemologist Henry Habberly Price, based on the Gifford Lectures of 1959-60, that draw on the relationship between belief and knowledge.
Joseph LaLumia Ways of Reason, The: A critical study of the ideas of Emile Meyerson Hb: 0-415-29560-2 Ivor Leclerc The Nature of Physical Existence Hb: 0-415-29561-0 Don Locke Perception and Our Knowledge of the External World Hb: 0-415-29562-9 Emile Meyerson Identity and Reality Hb: 0-415-29563-7 H. H. Price Belief: the Gifford lectures Hb: 0-415-29564-5 Michael A Slote Reason and Scepticism Hb: 0-415-29565-3
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ISBN 9780415295659
First published in 2002. The present work is chiefly concerned with the task of overcoming certain forms of scepticism that have plagued and perplexed philosophers throughout the ages. Slote overcomes some of the major traditional forms of epistemological scepticism by showing the reasonableness of belief in an external world.
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 Some Objections to Scepticism
- Chapter 2 The Existence of the External World
- Chapter 3 The Nature of the External World
- Chapter 4 Induction, Other Minds and Unobserved Objects
- Chapter 5 The New Riddle of Induction and the External World
- Chapter 6 Religion, Science and the Extraordinary
- Chapter 7 Conclusion
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