Research on pharmacogenetics has entered a period of mushrooming growth. Therefore, it is highly desirable that leading scientists in this field gather to report new advances, to review processes, to discuss conflicting findings if any, divergent interpretations regarding cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme genotypic status-clinical responses and significant implication of genetic polymorphisms in the drug target sites, and also to make more meaningful plans for the future phases and directions of research. An understanding of pharmacogenetics will undoubtedly improve treatment of diseases. Although gene information does not solve all of the problems, nothing will be clarified without them. Therefore, it should be stressed that all these studies are possible only when a fruitful collaboration among clinicians, clinical pharmacologists and molecular biologists has been established. This volume aims to provide a comprehensive review and a future prospect about pharmacogenetics, especially in such fields as "Neuropsychiatry", "Cardiology", "Anesthesiology" and "Orthopedics", as well as general medicine.
Also, it contains some proposals for technical methods for individual treatments and prospective application to future medicine. These pharmacogenetic approaches presented in this volume will be helpful for many basic and clinical researchers, pharmacologists and general clinicians to understand accumulated knowledge and new experiences in pharmacogenetic fields.
Preface. Chairman's address. Acknowledgements. Special contribution: CYP2C pharmacognetics. CYP2C pharmacogenetics and tailor-made therapeutic implications (T. Ishizaki). CYP2D6. Clinical relevance of the CYP2D6 polymorphism for the treatment of psychiatric disorders (L. Bertilsson). Effect of CYP2D6 genotype on pharmacokinetic interactions with psychotropic drugs (N. Yasui-Furukori et al.). Analysis of the CYP2D6 gene in relation to its metabolic capacity in Japanese men and comparison with other populations (T. Tateishi). CYP2C19. Clinical implications of CYP2C19 polymorphism for tailor-made pharmacotherapy (D.-R. Sohn). Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19 in Chinese ethnic populations (H.-H. Zhou). Graphic roots of CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism in Japanese population (preliminary report) (T. Ohkubo et al.). Receptor polymorphism. Beta-adrenoceptor polymorphisms: does altered in vitro function predict in vivo effects? (O.-E. Brodde et al.). Dopamine D2 receptor gene polymorphisms and clinical response to selective dopamine receptor antagonists (K. Mihara et al.). Functional genomic research of a1-adrenoceptors (G. Tsujimoto et al.). CNS drugs. Patient-tailored antiepileptic drug therapy: predicting response to antiepileptic drugs (E. Perucca). Clinical implications of pharmacogenetics of antidepressants (K. Otani et al.). Genotyping analysis as a possible predictor of pharmacokinetic and clinical effects of antipsychotic drugs (T. Kondo et al.). Molecular pharmacology. Molecular events caused by cyclic stretch in spinal ligament cells from patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligaments (K.-I. Furukawa et al.). Nuclear factor-eB activation during anesthesia and surgery (T. Sakai et al.). Mitochondrial coupling factor 6 as an endogenous inhibitor of prostacyclin synthesis and an endogenous vasoconstrictor (T. Osanai et al.). Author index. Keyword index.
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