A collection of essays that investigates, through a multi-disciplinary approach, the issue of the rise of first Britain, and then the United States, to positions of world supremacy. By studying and comparing military, economic and political aspects of both Britain and the USA, the volume seeks to understand how each country, in very different ways and under very different circumstances, came to be a dominant world power.
- Introduction - The Pax Britannica and American hegemony: precedent, antecedent or just another history?, Patrick Karl O'Brien. The rise and decline of Britain: Mercantilism, war and the rise of British power, Francois Crouzet
- Free-trade cosmopolitanism in Britain, 1846-1914, Anthony Howe
- Wealth, power and empire - the protectionist movement in Britain, 1880-1914, Peter J. Cain
- British retardation, 1900-1980, Sidney Pollard
- Hegemony and decline - Britain and the United States, Andrew Gamble
- British economic decline, 1900-1980, Correlli Barnett
- The decline of Great Britain - reality or optical distortion?, Wolfgang J. Mommsen. The origins and exercise of American hegemony: The rise of American hegemony, Robert Gilpin
- The nature of US economic leadership - a historical and comparative view, Angus Maddison
- The historical vicissitudes of US productivity leadership - deferred catch-up, the waning of American exceptionalism, and convergence, Moses Abramovitz and Paul A. David
- Reflections on American hegemony in the post-war era, David P. Calleo
- Hegemony theory, unilateral trade liberalisation and the 1996 US Farm Bill, Geoffrey Allen Pigman
- The "American Century" as hegemonic cycle, Peter J. Taylor. Concepts and theories of hegemony: Two hegemonies or one? - A historical-sociological critique of hegemonic stability theory, John M. Hobson
- Anglo-American cultural hegemony - from the mid-19th to the late 20th centuries, Christopher Coker
- National size and international power - a demographic perspective on "hegemony", S. Ryan Johansson
- Three hegemonies, Immanuel Wallerstein.
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