Cantatas and Hymns
Ferenc Liszt
Hungaroton Classic, p2001
Kantáták és himnuszok
Sung in Italian, English, Latin, German and French
Added title from pamphlet
Éva Andor, soprano (6th work) ; Lívia Budai, mezzo-soprano (2nd, 5th) ; Klára Takács, alto (5th) ; György Melis (1st, 3rd), Sándor Sólyom-Nagy (2nd), baritones ; various chorus groups ; Hédy Lubik, harp (3rd, 6th) ; György Miklós, piano (3rd) ; Sándor Margittay (1st-4th), Gábor Lehotka (3rd, 6th), organs ; Budapest Symphony Orchestra ; János Ferencsik (1st-2nd, 4th-5th), Miklós Szabó (3rd, 6th), conductors
Recorded: Budapest Mátyás Church, 1-8 September 1975 (1st-2nd, 4th-5th); Győr Old Lutheran Church, 20 September 1968 (3rd, 6th)
Compact disc; analog recording
Texts in Italian, English, Latin, German, French and Hungarian
Hungaroton Classic: HCD 31960