Report on scientific activity in geomagnetism and aeronomy, Magnetospheric phenomena, magnetosphere of the earth and interaction with solar wind, 1987-1991
[edited by M.I. Pudovkin]
Academy of Science of the USSR, Soviet Geophysical Committee, 1991
Soobshchenie o nauchnykh rabotakh po geomagnetizmu i aėronomii. Magnitosfernye i︠a︡vlenii︠a︡, magnitosfera zemli i vzaimodeĭstvie s solnechnym vetrom, 1987-1991
Сообщение о научных работах по геомагнетизму и аэрономии, магнитосферные явления, магнитосфера земли и взаимодействие с солнечным ветром 1987-1991
Presented to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy for the XX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics