Silicon carbide and related materials 2001 : ICSCRM2001, proceedings of the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001, Tsukuba, Japan, October 28-November 2, 2001

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Silicon carbide and related materials 2001 : ICSCRM2001, proceedings of the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001, Tsukuba, Japan, October 28-November 2, 2001

edited by S. Yoshida, ... [et al.]

(Materials science forum, v. 389-393)

Trans Tech Publications, c2002

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  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2

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Description and Table of Contents


Wide-bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and group-III Nitrides have attracted increasing attention as favored materials short-listed for use in new electronic devices; especially those destined for high-power, high-frequency and/or high-temperature applications, as well as short-wavelength light-emitters. This two-volume set contains >illustrated transcripts of papers presented at the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001 (ICSCRM2001), held in the Fall of 2001 at Tsukuba, Japan. This timely conference was held in the very first year of the 21st century; an era in which SiC devices are going to find a real market. More than 500 contributors; both academic scientists and device engineers, from 20 countries, discussed and exchanged ideas extensively during the five days of the conference.

Table of Contents

  • Silicon Carbide Technology in New Era Characterisation and Defects in Silicon Carbide Opportunities and Technical Strategies for Silicon Carbide Device Development High Quality SiC Substrates for Semiconductor Devices: From Research to Industrial Production Growth and Defect Reduction of Bulk SiC Crystals Growth of 3-inch Diameter 6H-SiC Single Crystals by Sublimation Physical Vapor Transport Lateral Enlargement of Silicon Carbide Crystals Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer in SiC Sublimation Growth 4H Polytype Grain Formation in PVT-Grown 6H-SiC Ingots The Development of 2in 6H-SiC Wafer with High Thermal-Conductivity Evolution of Crystal Mosaicity during Physical Vapor Transport Growth of SiC Reduction of Macrodefects in Bulk SiC Single Crystals Model for Macroscopic Slits in 6H- and 4H-SiC Single Crystals Macrodefect Generation in SiC Single Crystals Caused by Polytype Changes The Nucleation of Polytype Inclusions during the Sublimation Growth of 6H and 4H Silicon Carbide Characterization of Inclusions in SiC Bulk Crystals Grown by Modified Lely Method Observation of Planar Defects in 2-inch SiC Wafer Flux-Controlled Sublimation Growth by an Inner Guide-Tube Growth and Evaluation of High Quality SiC Crystal by Sublimation Method 'Insitu Synthesis' of Source Material from Elemental Si and C during SiC PVT Growth Process and Characterization Using Digital X-Ray Imaging Influence of the Crystal Thickness on the SiC PVT Growth Rate Micropipe Formation Model via Surface Step Interaction Self-Healing Phenomenon of Micropipes in Silicon Carbide A Method of Reducing Micropipes in Thin Films by Using Sublimation Growth Dislocation Constraint by Etch-Back Process of Seed Crystal in SiC Bulk Crystal Growth The Effect of Nitrogen on Crystal Growth of SiC on (11-20) Substrates Temperature Dependence of Sublimation Growth of 6H-SiC on (11-20) Substrates The Development of 4H-SiC {03-38} Wafers Incorporation of Boron and the Role of Nitrogen as a Compensation Source in SiC Bulk Crystal Growth Aluminum Doping of 6H- and 4H-SiC with a Modified PVT Growth Method Resistivity Mapping of Semi-Insulating 6H-SiC Wafers On the Preparation of Vanadium-Doped Semi-Insulating SiC Bulk Crystals Solid-Phase Epitaxial Growth of Bulk SiC Single Crystals Full Si Wafer Conversion into Bulk 3C-SiC QuaSiC Smart-Cut (R) Substrates for SiC High Power Devices CVD SiC Powder for High-Purity SiC Source Material Direct Synthesis and Growth of SiC Single Crystal from Ultrafine Particle Precursor Recent Achievements and Future Challenges in SiC Homoepitaxial Growth Growth and Electrical Characterization of the Lightly-Doped Thick 4H-SiC Epilayers Fast Epitaxial Growth of 4H-SiC by Chimney-Type Hot-Wall CVD High-Rate Epitaxial Growth of 4H-SiC Using a Vertical-Type, Quasi-Hot-Wall CVD Reactor Fast Growth and Doping Characteristics of -SiC in Horizontal Cold-Wall Chemical Vapor Deposition Highly Uniform Epitaxial SiC-Layers Grown in a Hot-Wall CVD Reactor with Mechanical Rotation Growth Characteristics of SiC in a Hot-Wall CVD Reactor with Rotation Epitaxial Growth of (11-20) 4H-SiC Using Substrate Grown in the [11-20] Direction Hot-Wall CVD Growth of 4H-SiC Using Si2Cl6+C3H8+H2 System Aluminum Doping of Epitaxial Silicon Carbide Grown by Hot-Wall CVD
  • Effect of Process Parameters Aluminum Incorporation into 4H-SiC Layers during Epitaxial Growth in a Hot-Wall CVD System Vapor-Phase Epitaxial Growth of n-Type SiC Using Phosphine as the Precursor Investigation of Residual Impurities in 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers Grown by Hot-Wall Chemical Vapor Deposition Predicting Growth Rates of SiC Epitaxial Layers Grown by Hot-Wall Chemical Vapor Deposition Simulation of the Large-Area Growth of Homoepitaxial 4H-SiC by Chemical Vapor Deposition Simulation of High-Temperature SiC Epitaxial Growth Using Vertical, Quasi-Hot-Wall CVD Reactor Bending of Basal-Plane Dislocations in VPE Grown 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers The Effect of Epitaxial Growth on Warp of SiC Wafers In Situ Etching of 4H-SiC in H2 with Addition of HCl for Epitaxial CVD Growth Surface Morphology of SiC Epitaxial Layers Grown by Vertical Hot-Wall Type CVD Delta-Doped Layers of SiC Grown by 'Pulse Doping' Technique Homoepitaxial 'Web Growth' of SiC to Terminate C-Axis Screw Dislocations and Enlarge Step-Free Surfaces Formation of Epitaxial Mesa Structures on 4H-SiC (0001) and (11-20) Substrates Characteristics of Boron in 4H-SiC Layers Produced by High-Temperature Techniques Epitaxial Growth of 4H-SiC with Hexamethyldisilane HMDS Homoepitaxial Growth of 4H-SiC on Porous Substrate Using Bis-Trimethylsilylmethane Precursor TEM (XHREM) and EDX Studies of 6H-SiC Porous Layer as a Substrate for Subsequent Homoepitaxial Growth 3C-SiC(100) Homoepitaxial Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition and Schottky Barrier Junction Characteristics Homoepitaxial Growth of Cubic Silicon Carbide by Sublimation Epitaxy Impact of the Initial Surface Conditions on Defect Appearance in 4H-SiC Epilayers Effect of the Si Droplet Size on the VLS Growth Mechanism of SiC Homoepitaxial Layers Liquid-Phase Epitaxial Growth of Heavily Doped Al p-Type Contact Layers for SiC Devices and Resulting Ohmic Contacts Traveling Self-Confined-Solvent Method: A Novel LPE Growth of 6H-SiC Homoepitaxial Growth of 4H-SiC Thin Film Below 1000 DegreesC by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition In Situ Etching of SiC Wafers in a CVD System Using Oxygen as the Source SiO2 as Oxygen Source for the Chemical Vapor Transport of SiC Growth of Defect-Free 3C-SiC on 4H- and 6H-SiC Mesas Using Step-Free Surface Heteroepitaxy 3C-SiC Growth on 6H-SiC (0001) Substrates Heteroepitaxial Growth and Characteristics of 3C-SiC on Large-Diameter Si(001) Substrates Comparative Study of Heteroepitaxially and Homoepitaxially Grown 3C-SiC Films Growth of 3C-SiC on Si(100) by LPCVD and Patterning of the Grown Layers Selective Epitaxial Growth of Pyramidal 3C-SiC on Patterned Si Substrate Evaluation of Carbonized Layers for 3C-SiC/Si Epitaxial Growth by Ellipsometry In Situ Doping of 3C-SiC Grown on (0001) Sapphire Substrates by LPCVD Improved SiCOI Structures Elaborated by Heteroepitaxy of 3C-SiC on SOI Study of Metamorphosing Top Si Layer of SOI Wafer into 3C-SiC Using Conventional Electric Furnace Formation of Extremely Thin, Quasi-Single-Domain 3C-SiC Film on Resistively Heated On-Axis Si(001) Substrate Using Organo-Silane Buffer Layer Electrical Characterization of SiC/Si Heterostructures with Modified Interfaces Void-Free Epitaxial Growth of Cubic SiC Crystallites during CO Heat Treatment of Oxidized Silicon Reaction Mechanism of the Carbonization Process by Low-Energy Ion Subplantation Comparison of the Growth Characteristics of SiC on Si between Low-Pressure CVD and Triode Plasma CVD Fabrication of -SiC Heteroepitaxial Films by YAG-PLAD Method Low-Temperature Preparation of -SiC Epitaxial Films by Nd: YAG Pulsed-Laser Deposition Physics of Heteroepitaxy and Heterophases Growth-Induced Structural Defects in SiC PVT Boules Polytype Identification and Mapping in Heteroepitaxial Growth of 3C on Atomically Flat 4H-SiC Mesas Using Synchrotron White-Beam X-Ray Topography Behavior of Micropipes during Growth in 4H-SiC Reduced Micropipe Density in Boule-Derived 6H-SiC Substrates via H Etching of Seed Crystals Stress Distribution in 2in SiC Wafer Measured by Photoelastic Method Characterization of 2in SiC As-Grown Bulk by SWBXT at SPring-8 Observation of 2in SiC Wafer by SWBXT at SPring-8 Analysis of Sub-Surface Damage-Induced Threading Dislocations in Physical Vapor Transport Growth of 6H-SiC Investigation of Structural Defects during 4H-SiC Schottky Diode Processing by Synchrotron Topography Structural Defects in Electrically Degraded 4H-SiC PiN Diodes Propagation of Current-Induced Stacking Faults and Forward Voltage Degradation in 4H-SiC PiN Diodes Optical Emission Microscopy of Structural Defects in 4H-SiC PiN Diodes Structure of 2D-Nucleation-Induced Stacking Faults in 6H-SiC Theoretical Calculation of Stacking Fault Energies in Silicon Carbide A Simple Mapping Method for Elementary Screw Dislocations in Homoepitaxial SiC Layers Replication of Defects from 4H-SiC Wafer to Epitaxial Layer 4H- to 3C-SiC Polytypic Transformation during Oxidation Oxidation-Induced Crystallographic Transformation in Heavily N-Doped 4H-SiC Wafers Investigation of the Relationship between Defects and Electrical Properties of 3C-SiC Epilayers RHEED: A Tool for Structural Investigations of Thin Polytypic SiC Layers Electron-Irradiation-Induced Amorphization of 6H-SiC by 300 keV Transmission Electron Microscope Equipped with a Field-Emission Gun The Nature and Diffusion of Intrinsic Point Defects in SiC Theoretical Investigation of an Intrinsic Defect in SiC Carbon Interstitials in SiC: A Model for the DII Center Chemical Environment of Atomic Vacancies in Electron Irradiated Silicon Carbide Measured by a 2D-Doppler Broadening Technique Radiation-Induced Defects in 4H- and 6H-SiC Epilayers Studied by Positron Annihilation and Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy Vacancy Defects in As-Polished and in High-Fluence H+-Implanted 6H-SiC Detected by Slow Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy EPR Study of Single Silicon Vacancy-Related Defects in 4H- and 6H-SiC The Neutral Silicon Vacancy in SiC: Ligand Hyperfine Interaction Properties of the UD-1 Deep-Level Center in 4H-SiC Electronic Structure of the UD3 Defect in 4H- and 6H-SiC Depth Distribution of Lattice Damage-Related DI and DII Defects after Ion Implantation and Annealing of 6H-SiC Electrical Properties of Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide Radiation-Induced Defects in p-Type Silicon Carbide Hole and Electron Effective Masses in 6H-SiC Studied by Optically Detected Cyclotron Resonance Electronic Localization around Stacking Faults in Silicon Carbide Theoretical Study of Cubic Polytype Inclusions in 4H-SiC Full-Band Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in 3C-SiC Physical Mechanism for the Anomalous Behavior of n-Type Dopants in SiC Influence of Junction Potential Distribution on Effective Impurity Ionization Time Constants in SiC for Admittance Spectroscopy Data Analysis Electrical Activity of Residual Boron in Silicon Carbide Ab Initio Calculations of B Diffusion in SiC Aluminum and Boron Diffusion into (1-100) Face SiC Substrates Impurity-Controlled Dopant Activation - The Role of Hydrogen in p-Type Doping of SiC Incorporation of Hydrogen (1H and 2H) into 4H-SiC during Epitaxial Growth Hydrogen Incorporation into SiC Using Plasma-Hydrogenation Polytype Dependence of Transition Metal-Related Deep Levels in 4H-, 6H- and 15R-SiC Theoretical Studies of Vanadium Impurity in -SiC New and Improved Quantitative Characterization of SiC Using SIMS Experiment and Theory of the Anharmonic Effect in C-H and C-D Vibrations of SiC Spectra Associated with Stacking Faults in 4H-SiC Grown in a Hot-Wall CVD Reactor Characterization of Bulk and Epitaxial SiC Material Using Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Characterization of SiC Epitaxial Wafers by Photoluminescence under Deep UV Excitation UV Scanning Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Investigation of 6H- and 4H-SiC Mapping of the Luminescence Decay of Lightly-Doped n-4H-SiC at Room-Temperature Photoluminescence Investigation of Hydrogen Interaction with Defects in SiC Photoconductivity of Lightly-Doped and Semi-Insulating 4H-SiC and the Free Exciton Binding Energy Characterization of 4H-SiC Band-Edge Absorption Properties by Free-Carrier Absorption Technique with a Variable Excitation Spectrum Spatial Mapping of the Carrier Concentration and Mobility in SiC Wafers by Micro Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Experimental Determination of the Phonon-Eigenvectors of Silicon Carbide by Raman Spectroscopy Sensitive Detection of Defects in and SiC by Raman Scattering Raman Microprobe Study of Carrier Density Profiles in Modulation-Doped 6H SiC A Raman Study of Metal-SiC Interface Reactions Ultrafast Electron Relaxation Processes in SiC Optical Characterization of Ion-Implanted 4H-SiC Breakdown Fields along Various Crystal Orientations in 4H-, 6H- and 3C-SiC Quantitative High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Profiling of SiC by Scanning Capacitance Microscopy Scanning Capacitance Microscopy of SiC Multiple PN Junction Structure Grown by Cold-Wall Chemical Vapor Deposition Carrier Concentrations in Implanted and Epitaxial 4H-SiC by Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy Nanoscale Electrical Characterization of 3C-SiC Layers by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Point-Contact Current Voltage Technique for Depth Profiling of Dopants in Silicon Carbide Optical and Electrical Characterization of Free-Standing 3C-SiC Films Grown on Undulant 6in Si Substrates Influence of Excited States of Deep Acceptors on Hole Concentrations in SiC p-3C-SiC/n-6H-SiC Heterojunctions: Structural and Electrical Characterization Scanning Acoustic Microscopy in Porous SiC Atomic-Scale Passivation of Silicon Carbide Surfaces Adsorption of Metastable Molecular Oxygen on SiC(0001)- 3 x 3 Oxidation States Present on SiC (0001) after Oxygen Exposure Adsorbate Effects of the Surface Structure of 6H-SiC(0001) 3x 3-R30 Degrees In Situ Analysis of Thermal Oxidation on H-Terminated 4H-SiC Surfaces A High-Resolution Photoemission Study of Hydrogen-Terminated 6H-SiC Surfaces Wet-Chemical Preparation of Silicate Adlayer Reconstructed SiC(0001) Surfaces as Studied by PES and LEED Photoemission Electron Imaging of Transition Metal (Ti, Ni) Surfaces on Si and SiC In Situ RHEED Analysis of the Ge-Induced Surface Reconstructions on 6H-SiC(0001) Atomic-Step Observations on 6H- and 15R-SiC Polished Surfaces Optimization of Interface and Interphase Systems: The Case of SiC and III-V Nitrides Towards Quantum Structures in SiC Modification of SiC Properties by Insertion of Ge and Si Nanocrystals - Description by ab initio Supercell Calculations Growth and Characterization of Three-Dimensional SiC Nanostructures on Si Hole Resonant Tunneling through SiC/Si-dot/SiC Heterostructures Development of a Multilayer SiC Surface Micromachining Process with Capabilities and Design Rules Comparable to Conventional Polysilicon Surface Micromachining Influence of Deposition Parameters and Temperature on Stress and Strain of In Situ Doped PECVD Silicon Carbide Thermoelectric Properties of 3C-SiC Produced by Silicon Carbonization The Brittle-to-Ductile Transition in 4H-SiC Annealing of Implanted Layers in (1-100) and (11-20) Oriented SiC Range Distributions of Implanted Ions in Silicon Carbide Phosphorus Ion Implantation into 4H-SiC (0001) and (11-20) Electrical Activation of Implanted Phosphorus Ions in (0001)/(11-20)-Oriented 4H-SiC Codoping of 4H-SiC with N- and P-Donors by Ion Implantation Improvements in Electrical Properties of n-Type-Implanted 4H-SiC Substrates Using High-Temperature Rapid Thermal Annealing Low-Temperature Activation of the Ion-Implanted Dopants in 4H-SiC by Excimer Laser Annealing Electrical Characteristics of Al+ Ion-Implanted 4H-SiC Micro-Structural and Electrical Properties of Al-Implanted & Lamp-Annealed 4H-SiC Comparison between Chemical and Electrical Profiles in Al+ or N+ Implanted and Annealed 6H-SiC Damage Evolution and Recovery in Al-Implanted 4H-SiC Comparison of Al and Al/C Co-Implants in 4H-SiC Annealed with an AlN Cap Influence of Implantation Temperature and Dose Rate on Secondary Defect Formation in 4H-SiC A Comparative Study of High-Temperature Aluminum Post-Implantation Annealing in 6H- and 4H-SiC, Non-Uniform Temperature Effects Post-Implantation Annealing Effects on the Surface Morphology and Electrical Characteristics of 6H-SiC Implanted with Aluminum Ion Implantation - Tool for Fabrication of Advanced 4H-SiC Devices Annealing Kinetics of Implantation-Induced Amorphous Layer in 6H-SiC (0001) Direct Observation of the Solid-Phase Recrystallization of Self-Implanted Amorphous SiC Layer on (11-20), (1-100), and (0001) Oriented 6H-SiC Ion-Implantation Induced Deep Levels in SiC Studied by Isothermal Capacitance Transient Spectroscopy (ICTS) Distribution Profile of Deep Levels in SiC Observed by Isothermal Capacitance Transient Spectroscopy Enhanced Dopant Diffusion Effects in 4H Silicon Carbide Infrared Investigation of Implantation Damage in 6H-SiC Suppression of Macrostep Formation in 4H-SiC Using a Cap Oxide Layer Masking Process for High-Energy and High-Temperature Ion Implantation Laser Crystallization Mechanism of Amorphous SiC Thin Films Experimental and Computer Simulation Studies of Defects and Ion-Solid Interactions in Silicon Carbide Ohmic Contact Structure and Fabrication Process Applicable to Practical SiC Devices CoAl Ohmic Contact Materials with Improved Surface Morphology for p-Type 4H-SiC NiSi2 Ohmic Contact to n-Type 4H-SiC Electrical Characterization of Nickel Silicide Contacts on Silicon Carbide Effects of Interfacial Reactions on Electrical Properties of Ni Ohmic Contacts on n-Type 4H-SiC Influence of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Ni/6H-SiC Contact Formation Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing Conditions on Parameters of Ni/21R-SiC Contacts Effects of Surface Treatments of 6H-SiC upon Metal-SiC Interfaces Titanium-Based Ohmic Contact on p-Type 4H-SiC Reliable Ohmic Contacts to LPE p-Type 4H-SiC for High-Power p-n Diode Schottky Barriers for Pt on 6H- and 4H-SiC (0001), (000-1), (1-100) and (1-210) Faces Measured by I-V, C-V and Internal Photoemission Electrical Properties and Interface Reaction of Annealed Cu/4H-SiC Schottky Rectifiers Effect of Temperature Treatment on Au/Pd Schottky Contacts to 4H-SiC Characteristics of Schottky Diodes on 6H-SiC Surfaces after Sacrificial Anodic Oxidation Reduction of the Barrier Height and Enhancement of Tunneling Current of Titanium Contacts Using Embedded Au Nano-Particles on 4H and 6H Silicon Carbide Some Comparative Properties of Diffusion-Welded Contacts to 6H and 4H Silicon Carbide Electrical Properties of Graphite/p-Type Homoepitaxial Diamond Contact Reactive Ion Etching Process of 4H-SiC Using the CHF3/O2 Mixtures and a Post-O2 Plasma-Etching Process Electrical Properties of 4H-SiC Thin Films Reactively Ion-Etched in SF6/O2 Plasma Photoelectrochemical Etching Process of 6H-SiC Wafers Using HF-Based Solution and H2O2 Solution as Electrolytes Oxidation of Silicon Carbide: Problems and Solutions Passivation of the 4H-SiC/SiO2 Interface with Nitric Oxide Passivation of the Oxide/4H-SiC Interface Effect of Process Variations on 4H Silicon Carbide n-Channel MOSFET Mobilities High-Current, NO-Annealed Lateral 4H-SiC MOSFETs N2O Processing Improves the 4H-SiC:SiO2 Interface Reduction of Interface Trap Density in 4H-SiC MOS by High-Temperature Oxidation Improving 4H-SiC/SiO2 Interface Properties by Depositing Ultra-Thin Si Nitride Layer Prior to Formation of SiO2 and Annealing Improvement of SiO2/ -SiC Interface Properties by Nitrogen Radical Treatment New Evidence of Interfacial Oxide Traps in n-Type 4H- and 6H-SiC MOS Structures On Shallow Interface States in n-Type 4H-SiC Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structures Effects of Successive Annealing of Oxides on Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Carbide Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structures The Investigation of 4H-SiC/SiO2 Interfaces by Optical and Electrical Measurements Characteristics of Mobile Ions in the SiO2 Films of SiC-MOS Structures Abnormal Hysteresis Property of SiC Oxide C-V Characteristics ESR Characterization of SiC Bulk Crystals and SiO2/SiC Interface Characterization of the Interfaces between SiC and Oxide Films by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of Post-Oxidation Process Effects on Oxide/SiC Interfaces SIMS Analyses of SiO2/4H-SiC(0001) Interface Hall Measurements of Inversion and Accumulation-Mode 4H-SiC MOSFETs Correlation between Inversion Channel Mobility and Interface Traps near the Conduction Band in SiC MOSFETs Influence of the Wet Re-Oxidation Procedure on Inversion Mobility of 4H-SiC MOSFETs Influence of the Crystalline Quality of Epitaxial Layers on Inversion Channel Mobility in 4H-SiC MOSFETs A Large Reduction in Interface-State Density for MOS Capacitor on 4H-SiC (11-2 0) Face Using H2 and H2O Vapor Atmosphere Post-Oxidation Annealing Significant Improvement of Inversion Channel Mobility in 4H-SiC MOSFET on (11-20) Face Using Hydrogen Post-Oxidation Annealing 4H-SiC MOSFETs on (03-38) Face Improved Channel Mobility in Normally-Off 4H-SiC MOSFETs with Buried Channel Structure 4H-SiC ACCUFET with a Two-Layer Stacked Gate Oxide 4H-SiC Delta-Doped Accumulation-Channel MOS FET Channel Engineering of Buried-Channel 4H-SiC MOSFET Based on the Mobility Model of the Oxide/4H-SiC Interface TCAD Optimisation of 4H-SiC Channel-Doped MOSFET with P-Polysilicon Gate Hysteresis in Transfer Characteristics in 4H-SiC Depletion/Accumulation-Mode MOSFETs Gamma-Ray Irradiation Effects on the Electrical Characteristics of 6H-SiC MOSFETs with Annealed Gate-Oxide Radiation Response of p-Channel 6H-SiC MOSFETs Fabricated Using Pyrogenic Conditions Surface Morphology and Chemistry of 4H- and 6H-SiC after Cyclic Oxidation Plasma Oxidation of SiC at Low Temperatures (below 300 DegreesC) Low-Temperature Thermal Oxidation of Ion-Amorphized 6H-SiC Oxidation of Porous 4H-SiC Substrates Advances in SiC Materials and Technology for Schottky Diode Applications Comparison of 4H-SiC pn, Pinch and Schottky Diodes for the 3 kV Range A JBS Diode with Controlled Forward Temperature Coefficient and Surge Current Capability Impact of Material Defects on SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes A Comparative Study of the Electrical Properties of 4H-SiC Epilayers with Continuous and Dissociated Micropipes Analysis of High Leakage Currents in 4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes Using Optical Beam-Induced Current Measurements 4H-SiC Schottky Diodes with High On/Off Current Ratio Optimisation of Implanted Guard-Ring Terminations in 4H-SiC Schottky Diodes Performance of 4H-SiC Schottky Diodes with Al-Doped p-Guard-Ring Junction Termination at Reverse Bias High-Voltage Pulse Instabilities in SiC Schottky Diodes with Implanted Resistive Edge Terminations Development of 600 V/ 8 A SiC Schottky Diodes with Epitaxial Edge Termination Minimization of Electric Field Enhancement at Electrode Edge by Surface High Resistive Layer in Ti/4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diode Reverse Characteristics of a 4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diode Power Schottky and p-n Diodes on SiC Epi-Wafers with Reduced Micropipe Density 4H-SiC MPS Diode Fabrication and Characterization in an Inductively Loaded Half-Bridge Inverter up to 100 kW Performance of SiC Bipolar (PiN) and Unipolar (SBD) Power Rectifiers in Current-Voltage-Frequency Parameter Space Application-Oriented Unipolar Switching SiC Devices High-Performance UMOSFETs in 4H-SiC Large-Area (3.3 mm x 3.3 mm) Power MOSFETs in 4H-SiC 5.0 kV 4H-SiC SEMOSFET with Low RonS of 88 m cm2 Fabrication and Initial Characterization of 4H-SiC Epilayer Channel MOSFETs Optimized P-Well Profile Preventing Punch-Through for 4H-SiC Power MOSFETs SiC Vertical DACFET (Vertical Delta-Doped Accumulation Channel MOSFET) 4H- and 6H-SiC MOSFETs Fabricated on Sloped Sidewalls Formed by Molten KOH Etching A 600 V SiC Trench JFET A Novel High-Voltage Normally-Off 4H-SiC Vertical JFET 2 kV 4H-SiC Junction FETs Design and Processing of High-Voltage 4H-SiC Trench Junction Field-Effect Transistor Influence of Trenching Effect on the Characteristics of Buried-Gate SiC Junction Field-Effect Transistors Static and Dynamic Behaviour of SiC JFET/Si MOSFET Cascade Configuration for High-Performance Power Switches Simulation Study of a Novel Current-Limiting Device: A Vertical -SiC JFET - Controlled Current Limiter Realization of a High-Current and Low RON 600V Current-Limiting Device Super-Junction Device Forward Characteristics and Switched Power Limitations Silicon/Oxide/Silicon Carbide (SiOSiC) - A New Approach to High-Voltage, High-Frequency Integrated Circuits High-Power SiC Diodes: Characteristics, Reliability and Relation to Material Defects High-Temperature Performance of 10 Kilovolts, 200 Amperes (Pulsed) 4H-SiC PiN Rectifiers Study of SiC PiN Diodes Subjected to High Current Density Pulses High-Voltage SiC pn Diodes with Avalanche Breakdown Fabricated by Aluminum or Boron Ion Implantation Measurement and Device Simulation of Avalanche Breakdown in High-Voltage 4H-SiC Diodes Including the Influence of Macroscopic Defects Microstructural Characterization of Recombination-Induced Stacking Faults in High-Voltage SiC Diodes Electrical Characterization of High-Voltage 4H-SiC Diodes on High-Temperature CVD-Grown Epitaxial Layers Study of 4H-SiC High-Voltage Bipolar Diodes under Reverse Bias Using Electrical and OBIC Characterization Photon Emission Analysis of Defect-Free 4H-SiC pn Diodes in Avalanche Regime Electroluminescence Analysis of Al+ and B+ Implanted pn Diodes An Effective High-Voltage Termination for SiC Planar pn Junctions for Use in High-Voltage Devices and UV Detectors A Novel Technology for the Formation of a Very Small Bevel Angle for Edge Termination The Deep Boron Level in High-Voltage PiN Diodes Electrical Characteristics of 4H-SiC pn Diode Grown by LPE Method Highly-Doped Implanted pn Junction for SiC Zener Diode Fabrication Unipolar and Bipolar SiC Integral Cascoded Switches with MOS and Junction Gate - Simulation Study All-SiC Inductively-Loaded Half-Bridge Inverter Characterization of 4H-SiC Power BJTs up to 400V/22 A Improvement and Analysis of Implanted-Emitter Bipolar Junction Transistors in 4H-SiC On the Temperature Coefficient of 4H-SiC npn Transistor Current Gain Investigation of Thermal Properties in Fabricated 4H-SiC High-Power Bipolar Transistors Hybrid MOS-Gated Bipolar Transistor Using 4H-SiC BJT A Novel, Planar 3,000 V Normally-Off Field Gated Bipolar Transistor in 4H-SiC Dynamic Performance of 3.1 kV 4H-SiC Asymmetrical GTO Thyristors 4H-SiC IMPATT Diode Fabrication and Testing Demonstration of IMPATT Diode Oscillators in 4H-SiC Influence of Semi-Insulating Substrate Purity on the Output Characteristics of 4H-SiC MESFETs Development and Demonstration of High-Power X-Band SiC MESFETs Hot-Carrier Luminescence in 4H-SiC MESFETs High-Performance Silicon Carbide MESFET Utilizing Lateral Epitaxy Influence of Gate Finger Width on RF Characteristics of 4H-SiC MESFET Fabrication of 4H-SiC Planar MESFETs Having Low Contact Resistance Surface Control of 4H-SiC MESFETs Characteristics of MESFETs Made by Ion-Implantation in Bulk Semi-Insulating 4H-SiC Evaluation of SiC MESFET Structures Using Large-Signal Time-Domain Simulations 4H-SiC MESFET Large-Signal Modeling Using Modified Materka Model Compatibility of VJFET Technology with MESFET Fabrication and Its Interest for System Integration: Fabrication of 6H and 4H-SiC 110 V Lateral MESFET The Development of Ultra-High Frequency Power 6H-SiC Vertical Static Induction Transistor with p-n Junction as a Gate Silicon Carbide Microwave Limiters MISiCFET Chemical Gas Sensors for High Temperature and Corrosive Environment Applications The Effect of Hydrogen Diffusion in p- and n-Type SiC Schottky Diodes at High Temperatures Influence of Epitaxial Layer on SiC Schottky Diode Gas Sensors Operated under High-Temperature Conditions A New Type of SiC Gas Sensor with a pn-Junction Structure Demonstration of 4H-SiC Avalanche Photodiode Linear Array 4H-SiC Material for Hall Effect and High-Temperature Sensors Working in Harsh Environments N and p Type 6H-SiC Films for the Creation Diode and Triode Structure of Nuclear Particle Detectors Sublimation Growth of Bulk AlN Crystals: Materials Compatibility and Crystal Quality Crystal Growth of Aluminum Nitride by Sublimation Close Space Technique Aluminium Nitride Bulk Crystals by Sublimation Method: Growth and X-Ray Characterization Heteroepitaxial Growth of Insulating AlN on 6H-SiC by MBE RHEED Studies of In Effect on the N-Polarity GaN Surface Kinetics Modulation in Plasma-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Surface Morphology of GaN Epilayer with SixN1-x Buffer Layer Grown by Ammonia-source MBE Growth of AlN Films by Hot-Wall CVD and Sublimation Techniques: Effect of Growth Cell Pressure GaN Grown by Hydride - Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (H-MOVPE) on Lattice-Matched Oxide and Silicon Substrates Growth and Characterization of GaGdN and AlGdN on SiC by RF-MBE Growth of Epitaxial (SiC)x(AlN)1-x Thin Films on 6H-SiC by Ion-Assisted Dual Magnetron Sputter Deposition Silicon Carbide Buffer Layers for Nitride Growth on Si Crystallographic Growth Models of Wurtzite-Type Thin Films on 6H-SiC Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence Characterization of InxGa1-xN/InyGa1-yN Multiple Quantum Well Light Emitting Diodes Photoreflectance Characterization of GaNAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures Raman Scattering from Wurtzite GaN Bulk Crystal Recent Progress of AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction FETs for Microwave Power Applications High Performance AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Recessed Gate Broadband Push-Pull Microwave Power Amplifier Using AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on SiC Temperature Dependence of DC Characteristics in AlN/GaN Metal Insulator Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Thermal Analysis of GaN-Based HFET Devices Using the Unit Thermal Profile Approach AlGaN/GaN Hetero Field-Effect Transistor for a Large 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