This book places the 2000 presidential and congressional elections into the larger and future context of American politics. The essays in Part I focus on the role of "wedge" issues in 2000, including the economy, foreign policy, and race. Part II examines the electorate in terms of gender, religion, and age. Part III analyzes Republican and Democratic strategies in 2000. Part IV focuses in on specific factors affecting the 2000 races including the Clinton factor.
- Introduction
- I: Traditional Wedge Issues and Their Impact
- 1: Is It the Economy, Stupid?
- 2: Foreign Policy in the Presidential Campaign
- 3: The Incorrigibly White Republican Party
- II: Voting Groups and Their Choices
- 4: Gender As a Political Constant
- 5: Back to the Future
- 6: Wither the Christian Right? The Elections and Beyond
- III: The Partisan Perspective
- 7: It's Party Time
- 8: Standoff in the House
- 9: The Real "Survivors" of 2000
- IV: Legacies
- 10: Women in the 107th Congress
- 11: The Clinton Effect
- 12: Election2000.com
- 13: Platforms, Promises, and the Agenda for the New Government
- 14: Conclusion
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