जैन केख संग्रह : कतिपय चित्र और आवश्यक तालिकायों से युक्त
संग्रह कर्त्ता पूरणचन्द नाहर
(जैनविविधसाहित्यशास्त्रमाला, 8)
Jaina Vividha Sahitya Shastra Mala Office , Printed by Krishina Gopal Mishra at the B.L. Press, 1918
Jaina inscriptions : containing index of places, glossary of names of shrâvaka castes, and gotras of gachhas, and achâryas with dates
Jaina lekha saṅgraha : katipaya citra aura āvaśyaka tālikāyoṃ se yukta
In Sanskrit; prefatory matter in Hindi and Sanskrit
"Collected & compiled by Puran Chand Nahar"--Added t.p
Jaina Vividha Sahitya Shastra Mala Office