French Feminists on Religion: A Reader offers the first representative selection of important writings by French feminist thinkers on the topic of religion, including the most influential and provocative texts on the subject from Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, Helene Cixous, Monique Wittig and Catherine Clement. Each thinker is introduced by a bibliographical preface, while individual essays are preceded by an editorial commentary explaining the context and significance of each piece for the study of religion.
The collected texts cover a broad range of religious practices and discourses focusing primarily on Jewish and Christian concerns, but including elements of ancient Goddess traditions, Witchcraft, Hinduism and Buddhism. Critically examined themes include:
* Jewish and Christian notions of sin, defilement, purity and redemption;
* the relationship between subjectivity and divinity, as conceived in the feminine;
* the feminist re-imaging of the Virgin Mary, and of Catholic theologies of love;
* the repression of the maternal in Judeo-Christian culture.
Brought together for the first time in French Feminist on Religion: A Reader, these essays demonstrate the central importance of French feminism for the study of religion, and at the same time make evident the significance of religious themes, figures and concepts to the world of French feminists.
Permissions Acknowledgements Preface Foreword by Catherine Clement (translated by Sharon Hackett and Morny Joy) Introduction 'French Feminisms in Religious Studies' by Morny Joy, Kathleen O'Grady and Judith L. Poxon. Luce Irgaray: 'Plato's Hystera'(abridged from Speculum of the Other Woman La Mysterique from Speculum of the Other Woman 'Divine Women' (abridged) from Sexes and Genealogies 'When the Gods are Born' (abridged) from Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche 'Sexual Difference' (abridged) from An Ethics of Sexual DifferenceI 'The Forgotten Mystery of Female Ancestry (abridged) from Thinking the Difference: For a Peaceful Revolution 'Practical Teachings: Love - Between Passion and Civility' (abridged) from I Love to You: Sketch of a POssible Felicity Julia Kristeva: 'Approaching Abjection' (abridged) and 'Semiotics of Biblical Abonomation' (abridged) from Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection 'Credence Credit' and 'Credo' (abridged) from In the Beginning was Love: Psychoanalysis and Faith 'Stabat Mater' from Tales of Love 'Psychoanalysis - A Counter Depressant' (abridged) and 'Holbein's Dead Christ' (abridged)from Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia 'The Chosen People and the Choice of Foreignness' from Strangers to Ourselves 'Reading the Bible' from New Maladies of the Soul Catherine Clement: 'Sorceress and Hysteric' from The Newly Born Woman 'The Child, The Savage' from The Newly Born Woman 'Where am I?' (abridged) from Syncope: The Philosophy of Rapture 'Jouissances: Between the Angel and the Placenta' (abridged) from Syncope: The Philosophy of Rapture Helene Cixous 'Sorties' (abridged) from The Newly Born Woman 'The Author in Truth' (abridged) from Coming to Writing 'Coming to Writing' (abridged) from Coming to Writing 'Grace and Innocence: Heinrich von Kleist' (abridged) from Readings: The Poetics of Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka, Kleist, Lispector, and Tsvetayeva 'The School of Dreams' (abridged) from Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing 'Writing Blind' (abridged) from Stigmata: Escaping Texts Monique Wittig Excerpts from The Lesbian Body Bibliography Index
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