The volume contains original essays by authors who have worked together to derive lessons for African export prospects from the experiences of some of the more successful developing countries in East Asia and Latin America. They present up-to-date data and analysis on non-traditional exporting experience, problems and prospects in a sample of seven Subsaharan African countries.
- List of Figures List of Tables Notes on the Contributors Foreword: G. A.Cornia Preface Introduction: G.K.Helleiner PART I: NON-AFRICAN EXPERIENCE AND ISSUES Selective Policies for Export Promotion: Lessons from the Asian Tigers
- S.Lall Export Performance in Chile: Lessons for Africa
- M.Agosin Costa Rica: Policies and Conditions for Export Diversification
- E.Rodriguez Real Exchange Rate Policy and Non-Traditional Exports in Developing Countries
- I.Elbadawi PART II: FIVE AFRICAN COUNTRIES' EXPERIENCE Promotion of Non-Traditional Exports in Kenya, 1980-96
- F.Mwega The Role of Non-Traditional Exports in Mauritius
- B.Dabee Growing Without Gold? South Africa's Non-Traditional Exports Since 1980
- A.Black & B.Kahn Promoting Non-Traditional Exports in Tanzania
- B.Ndulu, J.Semboja & A.Mbelle Economic Reforms and Non-Traditional Exports in Zimbabwe: Is Anything Taking Shape?
- J.Chipika & R.Davies Index
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