This text is available in two versions, one with, and the other without coverage of the criminal justice system. This volume is aimed at schools that retain the traditional criminology course, which includes criminological coverage of criminal justice. For schools that have expanded their offerings by adding an introductory course in criminal justice, "Criminology, Fourth Edition", is probably more appropriate.
Part 1: Understanding Criminology. Chapter 1: An Overview of Criminology. Chapter 2: Measuring Crime and Criminal Behavior Patterns. Chapter 3: Schools of Thought Throughout History. Part 2: Explanation of Crime and Criminal Behavior. Chapter 4: Psychological and Biological Perspectives. Chapter 5: Strain and Cultural Deviance Theories. Chapter 6: The Formation of Subcultures. Chapter 7: Social Control Theory. Chapter 8: Labelling, Conflict and Radical Theories. Chapter 9: Targets and Victims of Crime. Part 3: Types of Crime. Chapter 10: The Concept of Crime. Chapter 11: Violent Crimes. Chapter 12: Crimes Against Property. Chapter 13: Organisational Criminality. Chapter 14: Public Order Crimes. Chapter 15: Comparative Criminology.
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