The Crab-Flower Club
translated by David Hawkes
(Chinese literature in translation / editors, Irving Yucheng Lo, Joseph S.M. Lau, Leo Ou-fan Lee, . The story of the stone / by Cao Xueqin ; v. 2)
Indiana University Press, 1979, c1977
Shih tʿou chi
Hung lou meng
Translation of: Shih tʿou chi (石頭記||セキトウキ)
Known also by the title: Hung lou meng (紅樓夢||コウロウム)
Cao Xueqin (Tsʿao Hsüeh-chʿin) known also as: Cao Zhan (Tsʿao Chan; 曹, 霑||ソウ, テン)
"a novel in five volumes by Cao Xueqin" -- t.p.
editors, Irving Yucheng Lo, Joseph S.M. Lau, Leo Ou-fan Lee
Indiana University Press