Written by eminent authorities on viral pathogenesis and immunity, this text provides a coherent, concise introduction to the field. The authors focus on fundamental principles and present a well-organized overview that is easy for readers to absorb.Section 1, essentials of viral pathogenesis , describes the sequential events in viral infection, the localization of viral infections, and the variety of virus-cell interactions.Section 2, host responses to viral infection , examines immune responses, including virus-induced immunopathology and immunosuppression.Section 3, virus-host interactions , covers virulence, viral persistence, virus-induced oncogenesis, and host susceptibility.Section 4, prevention of viral infections , explains the key principles of vaccine development
ESSENTIALS OF PATHOGENESISHistorical RootsThe Sequentials Steps in Viral InfectionViral Tropism and Cellular ReceptorsVirus-Cell InteractionsHOST RESPONSES TO VIRAL INFECTIONImmune Responses to Viral InfectionsVirus-Induced ImmunopathologyVirus-Induced ImmunosuppressionViral VirulenceViral PersistenceViral Oncogenesis: RetrovirusesViral Oncogenesis: DNA VirusesHost Susceptibility to Viral DiseasesHIV and AIDSPREVENTION OF VIRAL INFECTIONSViral VaccinesInde
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