This is a criminology text that is explicitly sociological in orientation and is designed to help students cultivate a sociological imagination to guide their thinking about crime and criminal justice. The book takes a critical approach and places questions of social inequality and power at the center of criminological inquiry. It views class, race/ethnicity, and gender as pivotal organizing principles of social life - prisms through which we come to know ourselves and our social world and as central mechanisms by which social relationships are patterned.
Part 1. Issues, Methods and Theories. Chapter 1. Perspectives on the Problem of Crime. Chapter 2. Crime Data and Methods of Research. Chapter 3. Individualistic Explanations of Criminal Behavior. Chapter 4.Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behavior. Part 2. Patterns of Criminality and Victimization. Chapter 5. Class, Race/Ethnicity, and Street Crime. Chapter 6. Gender and Crime. Chapter 7. Sexual Violence Against Women and Children. Chapter 8. Organizational Crime: Licit and Illicit Business. Chapter 9. Political and Governmental Crime. Part 3. Criminal Justice and the Search for Solutions. Chapter 10. The Police and the Courts. Chapter 11. Punishment and Corrections. Chapter 12. Peacemaking and Postmodern Criminology.
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