Project independence
Federal Energy Administration
"For sale by the superintendent of documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C."--Report t.p. verso
Report: stock number: 4118-00029, November 1974
Summary: stock number: 4118-00028, November 1974
prepared by the Interagency Task Force on Oil ; under direction of U.S. Department of the Interior
Federal Energy Administration 1974 Project independence . Project independence blueprint final task force report
prepared by the Interagency Task Force on Solar Energy ; under direction of National Science Foundation
Federal Energy Administration 1974 Project independence . Project independence blueprint final task force report
prepared by the Interagency Task Force on Energy Conservation ; under direction of Council on Environmental Quality
Federal Energy Administration 1974 Project independence . Project independence blueprint final task force report
v. 3
prepared by the Interagency Task Force on Energy Conservation ; under direction of Council on Environmental Quality
Federal Energy Administration 1974 Project independence . Project independence blueprint final task force report
v. 1
prepared by the Interagency Task Force on Nuclear Energy ; under direction of Atomic Energy Commission
Federal Energy Administration 1974 Project independence . Project independence blueprint final task force report