This book considers the role played by Small-Scale Enterprises (SSEs) in the development strategies of developing and transitional economies in a changing global context. Analysis is based on research undertaken in Africa, Asia, South America and Eastern and Southern Europe, and is centred around four key issues: the efficiency of SEEs, their relation to market competition, the development of clusters and technological upgrading.
- Introduction and Overview
- H.Katrak & R.Strange PART 1: SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL? A REAPPRAISAL The Efficiency of Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: An Empirical Analysis
- J.Weeks Small Enterprises and Immiserizing Growth: a Cautionary Tale from the Chinese Silk Industry
- R.Strange & J.Newton Small in Not Always Beautiful: Environmental Enforcement and Small Industries in India
- N.Dasgupta PART 2: SMALL-SCALE ENTERPRISES AND MARKET COMPETITION Entry, Exit, and the Role of the Small Firm in China's Industrial Transformation
- Q-G.Yang & P.Temple Economic Liberalisation and Growth of Small-Scale Enterprises: the Indian Experience
- H.Katrak Venezuelan Manufacturing, SME Decline, and Failed Transition
- A.Mulhern European Integration and the Survival of Polish Small Enterprises
- S.Ghatak, G.Manolas, C.Rontos & I.Vavouras The Impact of Adjustment-led Transformation on Small-Scale Manufacturing in Bulgaria
- B.Kassayie PART 3: CLUSTERS: ONE FIT FOR ALL SITUATIONS? A Cure for Loneliness? Networks, Trust and Shared Services in Bangalore
- M.Holmström Promoting Small-Scale Industries in Indonesia: a Review of Recent Policies and Programmes
- H.Sandee The Determinants of Competitiveness in SME Clusters: Evidence and Policies for Latin America
- M.Albaladejo PART 4: NEW DEVELOPMENTS: TECHNOLOGY UPGRADING Firm Size, Technological Capabilities and Market-Oriented Policies in Mauritius
- G.Wignaraja Information, ICTs and Small Enterprise: Findings from Botswana
- R.Duncombe & R.Heeks
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