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ISBN 9781571130525
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is the best-known German poet of his generation and is widely appreciated today by readers in Europe, the United States, and world-wide. Because of the inventiveness and musicality of his poetic language and the visionary intuition of his thinking, Rilke's influence extends well beyond poetry to include religion, philosophy, the social sciences, and the arts. His works have been widely translated into English, and new enderings of such poem cycles as The Duino Elegies and The Sonnets to Orpheus appear frequently. Critics regard Rilke's Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge as a seminal modern novel. The Companion to Rilke provides essential, up-to-date essays by top Rilke scholars on a wide range of the major aspects of Rilke's life and works. The volume follows the chronology of Rilke's career, emphasizing those works that have met with the greatest critical interest. Among the topics covered are: Rilke's life and thought; the writings before 1902; Das Stunden-Buch and Das Buch der Bilder; the Neue Gedichte, The Cornet and other brief narrativesMalte Laurids Brigge, The Duino Elegies, The Sonnets to Orpheus, Rilke as a poet in French; Rilke and the visual arts.
Erika and Michael Metzger (SUNY Buffalo) have written extensively on various aspects of German literature and have edited significant Baroque texts.
Introduction - Erika and Michael Metzger
Colored Glass and Mirrors: Life with Rilke - Patricia P. Brodsky
The Poetry and Poetics of the Young Rilke, 1895-1902 - James Rolleston
Rilke's Early Narratives - Judith Ryan
Das Stunden-Buch and Das Buch der Bilder: Harbingers of Rilke's Maturity - Ralph W. B. Freedman
Neue Gedichte -- New Poems - Lawrence Ryan
Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge - George C. Schoolfield
Rethinking Rilke's Duineser Elegien at the End of the Millenium - Kathleen L. Komar
Poesis and the Great Tree of Being: A Holistic Reading of Rilke's Sonette an Orpheus - Alan F Keele
Rilke's Poetry in the French Language: The Enigma of Mythopoietic Reversal - Gerard Bucher
Rainer Maria Rilke and the Visual Arts - Karl E. Webb
Selected Bibliography
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:pbk. ISBN 9781571133021
Illuminates the major aspects of the works of Germany's greatest 20th-century poet.
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is the best-known German poet of his generation and is widely appreciated today by readers in Europe, the United States, and world-wide. Because of the inventiveness and musicality of his poetic language and the visionary intuition of his thinking, Rilke's influence extends well beyond poetry to include religion, philosophy, the social sciences, and the arts. His works have been widely translated into English, and new enderings of such poem cycles as The Duino Elegies and The Sonnets to Orpheus appear frequently. Critics regard Rilke's Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge as a seminal modern novel. The Companion to Rilke provides essential, up-to-date essays by top Rilke scholars on a wide range of the major aspects of Rilke's life and works. The volume follows the chronology of Rilke's career, emphasizing those works that have met with the greatest critical interest. Among the topics covered are: Rilke's life and thought; the writings before 1902; Das Stunden-Buch and Das Buch der Bilder; the Neue Gedichte, The Cornet and other brief narratives; Malte Laurids Brigge; The Duino Elegies; The Sonnets to Orpheus; Rilke as a poet in French; Rilke and the visual arts.
Erika and Michael Metzger (SUNY Buffalo) have written extensively on various aspects ofGerman literature and have edited significant Baroque texts.
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