Essays on the religion and philosophy of the Hindus
Henry Thomas Colebrooke ; with an introduction by Michael Franklin
(Sources of Orientalism, . The European discovery of India : key Indological sources of romanticism / selected and with new introductions by Michael Franklin ; v. 6)
Ganesha , Edition Synapse, 2001
: Ganesha Publishing126:F44:60112053880
杏林大学 井の頭図書館 井の頭図 : Ganesha Publishing225:E85:60014187868
: Edition Synapse954||So 83||60000256028
: Ganesha PublishingBL||2001||Co00345371
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文図書 : Ganesha Publishing126||Eu41303535
: Ganesha Publishing225.008||E 7||625045116
: Ganesha Publishing20100060842
"A new edition"--Original t.p Originally published: London : Williams and Norgate ; Paris : B. Duprat, 1858 Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN for series The European discovery of India: 1862100160, 4931444571
Ganesha Publishing , Edition Synapse
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