Industrialization and the state : the changing role of the Taiwan government in the economy, 1945-1998
Li-Min Hsueh, Chen-kuo Hsu, and Dwight H. Perkins
(Harvard studies in international development)
Harvard Institute for International Development Harvard University , Distributed by Harvard University Press, c2001
: cloth332.22:H970122012391
: cloth000424229
: paper332.22/Hsu20026462
: cloth10667168
: cloth332.2||Hs13017340
: cloth00657528
: paper332.22||H97005297650
: cloth332.224|| ||302000622135
: paperAECH||62||I113799903
: paper332.224||F4
: paper332.224||I422088620 Includes bibliographical references (p. [311]-320) and index 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University : Distributed by Harvard University Press
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