The Lebesgue integral is now standard for both applications and advanced mathematics. This books starts with a review of the familiar calculus integral and then constructs the Lebesgue integral from the ground up using the same ideas. A Primer of Lebesgue Integration has been used successfully both in the classroom and for individual study.
Bear presents a clear and simple introduction for those intent on further study in higher mathematics. Additionally, this book serves as a refresher providing new insight for those in the field. The author writes with an engaging, commonsense style that appeals to readers at all levels.
- The Riemann-Darboux Integral
The Riemann Integral as a Limit of Sums
Lebesgue Measure on (0, 1)
Measurable Sets: The Caratheodory Characterization
The Lebesgue Integral for Bounded Functions
Properties of the Integral
The Integral of Unbounded Functions
Differentiation and Integration
- Plane Measure
The Relationship between and General Measures
Integration for General Measures
More Integration: The Radon-Nikodym Theorem
Product Measures
The Space L2
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