- Volume
: set ISBN 9780415242868
Brings together a broad spectrum of research and translations from Chinese, Burmese, Tibetan and Pali Buddhist sources. Includes collected folklore and early studies on the life of the Buddha; Dutt's prize-winning investigation of Buddhist monks in ancient India; Beal's insightful travel-log offering a valuable sourcebook of ancient Indian history; Edkin's important early work detailing the history of Buddhism and its spread through China; and Bigandet's modestly titled text providing a complete exposition of the great system of Eastern Asia.
Table of Contents
The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang Samuel Beal Hb: 0-415-24468-4: 268pp: Si-Yu-Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World Volume I Samuel Beal Hb: 0-415-24469-2: 347pp: Si-Yu-Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World Volume II Samuel Beal Hb: 0-415-24470-6: 373pp: Texts from the Buddhist Canon Samuel Beal Hb: 0-415-24471-4: 180pp: The Life or Legend of Gaudama the Buddha of the Burmese, with annotations: Volume I P. Bigandet Hb: 0-415-24472-2: 290pp: The Life or Legend of Gaudama the Buddha of the Burmese, with annotations: Volume II P. Bigandet Hb: 0-415-24473-0: 336pp: The Life of Gotama the Buddha, compiled exclusively from the Pali Canon E. H. Brewster Hb: 0-415-24474-9: 257pp: The Milinda-Questions: An inquiry into its Place in the History of Buddhism with a Theory as to its Author Mrs Rhys Davids Hb: 0-415-24475-7: 181pp: GBP65.00 Buddhist Birth Stories T. W. Rhys Davids Hb: 0-415-24476-5: 464pp: GBP65.00 Life and Works of Alexander Csoma de Koros Theodore Duka Hb: 0-415-24477-3: 250pp: GBP65.00 Early Buddhist Monachism, 600 B.C.-100 B.C. Sukumar Dutt Hb: 0-415-24478-1: 208pp: GBP65.00 Chinese Buddhism: A volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive and Critical Joseph Edkins Hb: 0-415-24479-X: 491pp: GBP65.00 A Manual of Buddhist Philosophy William Montgomery McGovern Hb: 0-415-24480-3: 214pp: GBP65.00 Udanavarga: A Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon W. Woodville Rockhill Hb: 0-415-24481-1: 242pp: GBP65.00 The Life of the Buddha and the Early History of His Order W. Woodville Rockhill Hb: 0-415-24482-X: 288pp: GBP65.00 Tibetan Tales Derived from Indian Sources F. Anton von Schiefner Hb: 0-415-24483-8: 463pp: GBP65.00
- Volume
ISBN 9780415244770
This is Volume X in a series of sixteen on Buddhism. Originally published in 1885, this is a biography, brief note on the published works, essays and manuscripts of Alexander Csoma De Koros.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 Introduction-Csomn's birthplace, parentage, and early childhood-Studies at Nagy Enyed in Transylvania, and at the University of Goettingen in Hnnover-Plans and preparations for the journey-Departure for the East
- Chapter 2 Biographical sources - English and French authorities - Baron Hugel's data examined - First news of Csoma in India - His appearance at the frontier - Detained at Sabathu - Csoma's first letter to Captain Kennedy - Moorcroft's introduction
- Chapter 3 Government orders respecting Csoma's stipend-Report as to his Tibetan studies in the past and plans for the future
- Chapter 4 Second journey into Tibet-Csoma's position as to the Asiatic Society of Bengal-Return to Sabathu
- Chapter 5 Embarrassing position-Csoma petitions Government to be allowed to visit Calcutta, or to go to Tibet for three more years to complete his studies
- Chapter 6 Government orders on Csoma's last application - Dr. Gerard's visit to Kanum, and his letter to Mr. Fraser
- Chapter 7 Csoma completes his Tibetan studies at Kanum
- Correspondence with Dr. Wilson, Captain Kennedy, and Mr. B. H. Hodgson
- Chapter 8 Csoma arrives in Calcutta-Resolution of Government of India as to the publication of his works-Was elected Honorary Member of Asiatic Society
- Chapter 9 The Tibetan Grammar and Dictionary are published at Government expense-Mr. Prinsep's letter to Government-Prince Esterhazy to Mr. Prinsep-Mr. Doebrentei of Pest to the same
- Chapter 10 Csoma asks for a passport in November 1835, enabling him to travel in Hindustan - Leaves Calcutta - His last letters to Mr. Prinsep - Return to Calcutta in 1837
- Chapter 11 Csoma's stay in Calcutta from 1837 to 1842-Last arrangements-Leaves Calcutta for the last time-Sets out on his journey to Lassa-Death at Darjeeling-Dr. Campbell's report-His grave and tombstone
- Chapter 12 Prince Eszterhazy's inquiry regarding Csoma's papers-List of some of them-Renewal of his tombstone at Darjeeling-Placed on the list of public monuments by the Government of India-His portrait-Conclusion
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