This volume covers the following fields: path integrals, quantum field theory, variational perturbation theory, phase transitions and critical phenomena, topological defects, strings and membranes, gravitation and cosmology.
- Part 1 Path integrals and quantum mechanics: semiclassical quantum mechanics - a path-integral approach, B.R. Holstein
- conjecture on the reality of spectra of non-Hermetian Hamiltonians, C.M. Bender et al
- time-transformation approach to "q"-deformed objects, A. Inomata
- characterizing volume forms, P. Cartier et al
- Vassiliev invariants and functional integration, L.H. Kauffman. Part 2 Quantum field theory: dynamical fermion masses under the influence of Kaluza-Klein fermions in Randall-Sundrum background, H. Abe et al
- from Z operator to "SO(10)", neutrino oscillations, and Fermi-Dirac functions for quark parton distributions, F. Buccella. Part 3 Variational perturbation theory: note on the path-integral variational approach in many-body theory, J.T. Devreese. Part 4 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: nanosymptotic critical behaviour from field theory, C. Bagnuls and C. Bervillier
- from superfluid 3He to triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4, K. Maki and H. Won. Part 5 Topological effects, strings and membranes: description of vorticity by Grassmann variables and an extension to supersymmetry, R. Jackiw
- non-equilibrium worldline duality in condensed matter, R.J. Rivers
- random paths and surfaces with rigidity, B. Durhuus
- path integrals in quantum cosmology, C. Kiefer. (Part contents).
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