Child care and protection law constantly changes and develops. This book provides a practical guide to the Children Act 1989, its subordinate legislation, case law and social work practice, including equal opportunities. The European Convention on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child are discussed, and this third edition has been fully updated to cover the consequences of the Human Rights Act 1998 on child law in the UK.
The Law Society's new Children Panel will cover representation of children, adults and local authorities and has extended the qualifying course to include a wider range of relevant sociological, psychological and practice issues. This book is written with the Children Panel provisions in mind, and will prove useful as a basic reference for new applicants and members.
- Sources and Introduction to the Children Act1989,Subordinate Legislation and Guidance
- Principles Underlying the Children Act 1989
- Parental Responsibility
- Child protection Procedures in Health and Social Work
- Emergency Protection Orders
- Child Assessment Orders
- Care and Supervision Proceedings
- Secure Accommodation
- Education Supervision Orders
- Police Powers Under the Children Act 1989
- Taking Instructions in Family Proceedings
- Children's Rights
- Other Children Act Orders Available to the Court in Family Proceedings
- Commencement and Transfer of Proceedings
- Working with Children
- Assessment of Children in Need and Care Planning
- Legal Aid, Appeals and Enforcement
- Expert Evidence
- Information, Guidance and Reference Works
- Improving Law, Skills and Practice.
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