"This, then, is the initial completion of the work that I have devoted all my spare time to for the past fifteen years or so. Was it worth the sacrifice? Opinions may differ on the subject, but I believe that its usefulness, or even its necessity will come in time to be accepted and, moreover, increasingly recognised." With these words, written in 1863 at the start of the "Pro- and epilogue by the author", Johann Christian Poggendorff presented the first volume of his work to the reader, a work that was to become "the Poggendorff". The author, a physicist and extraordinary professor at the University of Berlin, is still known today in the field of mechanics as the inventor of the Poggendorff Scale. His "Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch der exakten Naturwissenschaften" (Concise Biographic-Literary Dictionary of the Exact Sciences) is a reference steeped in tradition, that has been publishing "accounts of the lives and achievements of mathematicians, astronomers, physicists, chemists, mineralogists, geologists, biologists" and scientists from other disciplines since 1863.
The around 29,000 biographic-literary entries cover the lives of the scientists, a short scientific curriculum vitae, awards and obituaries, as well as secondary literature and a complete list of all publications (books, contributions to other volumes and congress reports, and journal papers). Now, a database has been prepared to make this enormous amount of information available for modern-day use. All the volumes have been put into electronic form, and the biographic details indexed. Comfortable search functions allow the user to look for names, places of birth and death, years, and subject areas, and the pages from the original edition can be accessed from each individual entry.
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