Buddhist legends
translated from the original Pali text of the Dhammapada commentary by Eugene Watson Burlingame
(Harvard oriental series, v. 28-30)(Unesco collection of representative works)
Published for the Pali Text Society by Luzac, 1969, c1921
[New ed.]
pt. 1182//B1//110000019421,
pt. 1182/B83/158886,
pt. 1183.928/BU0000008678, pt. 1183.19/D1d/1-10088304,
pt. 1K15:1027:16413156552, 名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文印哲 pt. 1小経||阿含||E-5940702824, The Dhammapada commentary is in the main a compilation of Buddhist legends and tales ascribed to Buddhaghosa "Henry Clarke Warren ...; a brief memorial, by C. R. Lanman": v. 3, p. [375]-391 Pt. 1. Introduction ; Synopses ; Translation of Books 1 and 2 Pt. 2. Translation of Books 3 to 12 Pt. 3. Translation of books 13 to 26 Includes bibliographical references and index
Published for the Pali Text Society by Luzac
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