The multi-city study of urban inequality
Russell Sage Foundation
Reynolds Farley, Sheldon Danziger, Harry J. Holzer
Russell Sage Foundation 2002, c2000 The multi-city study of urban inequality
: pbk
Barry Bluestone and Mary Huff Stevenson ; with contributions from Michael Massaagli, Philip Moss, and Chris Tilly
Russell Sage Foundation 2002, c2000 The multi-city study of urban inequality
: pbk
Philip Moss and Chris Tilly
Russell Sage Foundation c2001 The multi-city study of urban inequality
Alice O'Connor, Chris Tilly, Lawrence D. Bobo, editors
Russell Sage Foundation c2001 The multi-city study of urban inequality
David L. Sjoquist, editor
Russell Sage Foundation c2000 The multi-city study of urban inequality
edited by Lawrence D. Bobo ... [et al.]
Russell Sage Foundation 2000 The multi-city study of urban inequality
Reynolds Farley, Sheldon Danziger, Harry J. Holzer
Russell Sage Foundation c2000 The multi-city study of urban inequality
Barry Bluestone and Mary Huff Stevenson ; with contributions from Michael Massagli, Philip Moss, and Chris Tilly
Russell Sage Foundation 2000 The multi-city study of urban inequality