A selection of papers from "a workshop on metropolitan governance in the Asia-Pacific region that was held in Taipei in April 1998"--Introd
Includes bibliographical references
Introduction / John Friedmann
The common good : assessing the performance of cities / John Friedmann
Governing global Sydney : from managerialism to entrepreneurialism / Peter A. Murphy and Chung-Tong Wu
National competitiveness and governance of Seoul, Korea / Won Bae Kim
Governing inter-regional conflicts : managing expansion in Pusan Korea / Dong-Ho Shin
Urban-regional governance in the age of globalization : the case of metropolitan Osaka / Toshio Kamo
Transborder regional governance and planning : the case of Singapore and its neighbors / K.C. Ho
Exploring territorial governance and transterritorial society : alternative visions of 21st century Taiwan / Lucie Cheng and Chu-Joe Hsia
Governing mega-urban regions : the case of Vancouver / Terry McGee
This work explores the challenges to urban and regional governance posed by the emergence of mega-urban regions in the Asia Pacific region, examining the experimental government structures in place to govern these areas. It includes case studies of Sydney, Vancouver, Seoul and Osaka.