Sämtliche Werke in fünf Bänden
Franz Hessel ; herausgegeben von Hartmut Vollmer und Bernd Witte
Igel Verlag, 1999
Bd. 1948:H53:10112011328,
Bd. 1948.78//H53//335711401533572,
Okayama University Library 文言語 Bd. 1948.9/H016000293722, Faculty of Letters Library, University of Tokyo 独文 Bd. 13号館D:363e:1-14816508511, Nagasaki University Library Central Library Bd. 1948||99||11490457, Hitotsubashi University Library 図 Bd. 1*9400**191**1120203400C, Special titles taken from volume covers Includes bibliographical referencesNote
Contents of Works