This book is a collection of papers on the metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan (ca. 1295-1361), one of the most innovative and influential thinkers of the later Middle Ages. It brings together original contributions by fifteen Buridan scholars on a number of central topics in the Buridanian corpus, including the theory of universals, the role of definitions in scientific practice, necessity and probability, time, the natural order, the theory of motion, time and infinity, certitude, sensation, dreams, and volition.
The papers provide a unified picture of Buridan's non-logical writings, most of which are still unedited, emphasizing throughout his particular methods of presenting and solving philosophical problems. The result suggests that Buridan's reputation for brilliance in logic and semantics deserves to be extended to other areas of philosophy, and that his work deserves closer study.
Contributors include: Paul J.J.M. Bakker, Joel Biard, Dirk-Jan Dekker, Peter King, Gyula Klima, Simo Knuuttila, Gerhard Krieger, John E. Murdoch, Fabienne Pironet, Olaf Pluta, Rolf Schoenberger, Peter G. Sobol, Edith Dudley Sylla, Johannes M.M.H. Thijssen, and Jack Zupko.
John Buridan, Metaphysician and Natural Philosopher. An Introductory Survey, Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen & Jack Zupko
John Buridan's Solution to the Problem of Universals, Peter King
Buridan's Theory of Definitions in his Scientific Practice, Gyula Klima
Buridan's Theory of Identity, Olaf Pluta
Necessities in Buridan's Natural Philosophy, Simo Knuuttila
The Natural Order in John Buridan, Joel Biard
Naturaliter principiis assentimus: Naturalism as the Foundation of Human Knowledge?, Gerhard Krieger
John Buridan on Infinity, John E. Murdoch & Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen
Buridan's Concept of Time. Time, Motion and the Soul in John Buridan's Questions on Aristotle's Physics, Dirk-Jan Dekker
On Certitude, Jack Zupko
Sensations, Intentions, Memories, and Dreams, Peter G. Sobol
The Notion of "non velle" in Buridan's Ethics, Fabienne Pironet
Ideo quasi mendicare oportet intellectum humanum: The Role of Theology in John Buridan's Natural Philosophy, Edith Dudley Sylla
Aristotelian Metaphysics and Eucharistic Theology: John Buridan and Marsilius of Inghen on the Ontological Status of Accidental Being, Paul J. J. M. Bakker
Philosophical Theology in John Buridan, Rolf Schoenberger
Index of Names
Index of Manuscripts
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