The research papers in this book present current knowledge of the sources, pathways, behavior, and effects of trace elements in soils, waters, plants, and animals. It is of interest to a variety of readers, including public health and environmental professionals, consultants, and academicians.
- Introduction. 1. Coal Combustion Product (CCP) Production and Use: Survey Results
- B.R. Stewart. Environmental Effects from Power Plants. 2. Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Residue: Potential Applications and Environmental Issues
- T. Punshon, et al. 3. Environmental Aspects of Power Plants Fly Ash Utilization in Deep Coal Mine Workings
- I. Twardowska. 4. Coal Ash From Thermal Power Plants in Finland: A Review
- A.K. Mukherjee, R. Kikuchi. 5. Environmental Behavior of Power Plants Fly Ash Containing Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Solids Untilized in Deep Coal Mines
- I. Twardowska. Trace Elements in Size-Density Fractionated Fly Ashes and Ash Utilization. 6. Trace Elements in Indian Coal and Coal Fly Ash
- M.P. Khandekar, et al. 7. Concentrations and Distribution of Major and Selected Trace Elements in Size-Density Fractionated Fly Ashes
- S.V. Mattigod, et al. 8. Coal Fly Ash Chemistry and Carbon Dioxide Infusion Process to Enhance its Utilization
- K.J. Reddy. 9. Evaluation of Coal Combustion Products as Components in Disturbed Land Reclamation by the Baker Soil Test
- D.E. Baker, et al. 10. The Revival of a Failed Constructed Wetland Treating a High Fe Load AMD
- A.D. Karathanasis, C.D. Barton. Transport and Leachability of Metals from Coal and Ash Piles. 11. Leaching of metals from Soils Amended With Fly Ash and Organic By-Products
- A.K. Alva, et al. 12. Effect of Fly Ash and Sewage Sludge Amendments on Transport of Metals in Different Soils
- A.K. Alva, et al. 13. The Use of Cyclonic Ashes of Fluidized Bed Burning of Coal Mine Refuse for Long-Term Immobilization of Metals in Soil
- J. Vangronsveld, et al. 14. Impact of Coal Pile Leachate and Fly Ash on Soil and Groundwater
- G.S. Ghuman, et al. 15. Contaminant Mobility in Soil Columns Amended with Fly Ash and Flue Gas Desulfirization Gypsum
- C.F. Ishak, et al. Use of Coal Ash for Plant Growth. 16. Nickel, Lead, Cadmium, and Chromium Concentrations in Shoots of Maize Grown in Acidic Soil Amended with Coal Combustion By-products
- R.B. Clark, et al. 17. Fly Ash-Borne Arsenic in the Soil-Plant Syatem
- M.E. Summer, S. Dudka. 18. Effect of Rock Phosphate on Arsenic Uptake from Fly Ash Treated Mine Soil
- D.K. Bhumbla, et al. 19. Citrus Tree Growth and Fruit Production Response to Flue-Gas Desulfurization Gypsum
- A.K. Alva, et al. 20. A Review of Selenium Uptake, Transformation, and Accumulation by Plants with Particular Reference to Coal Fly Ash Landfills
- P.B. Woodbury, et al.
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