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: international ed ISBN 9780071180856
Especially for exercise science and physical education students, this text provides a solid foundation in theory illuminated by application and performance models to increase understanding and to help students apply what they've learned in the classroom and beyond.
- Part 1 Physiology of exercise: physiology of exercise in the United States - its past, its future
- control of the internal environment
- bioenergetics
- exercise metabolism
- hormonal responses to exercise
- measurement of work, power, and energy expenditure
- the nervous system - structure and control of movement
- skeletal muscle - structure and function
- circulatory adaptations to exercise
- respiration during exercise
- acid-base balance during exercise
- temperature regulation
- the physiology of training - effect on V02 max, performance, homeostasis, and strength. Part 2 Physiology of health and fitness: patterns in health and disease - epidemiology and physiology
- work tests to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness
- training for health and fitness
- exercise for special populations
- body composition and nutrition for health. Part 3 Physiology of performance: factors affecting performance
- work tests to evaluate performance
- training for performance
- training for special populations
- nutrition, body composition, and performance
- exercise and the environment
- ergogenic aids. Appendices: calculation of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production
- estimated energy expenditure during selected activities
- physical activity prescription
- recommended dietary allowances
- REAs - estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intakes of selected vitamins and minerals
- RDSs - median heights and weights and recommended energy intake
- percent fat estimate for men - sum of triceps, chest, and subscapula skinfolds
- percent fat estimate for women - sum of triceps, abdomen, and suprailium skinfolds.
- 巻冊次
ISBN 9780072355512
This text emphasies the use of control of physiological systems when exercising.
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