An essential reference book for you and your global organization, Executive Development and Organizational Learning for Global Business will guide you through the challenge of producing effective executives and masterminding learning organizations. In this cutting-edge overview, you'll share in the success stories of some of the most tried-and-true, top-selling authors in the world such as Peter Senge and Rosabeth Moss Kanter.Considered a "must-have" handbook for development managers, Executive Development and Organizational Learning for Global Business gives you a unique perspective on the major challenges you'll face when setting up your executive education program. Anyone creating a comprehensive game plan for a large global organization will want to be familiar with the informative practices in this book. In its concise and straightforward chapters, you'll read about:
cross-cultural challenges of executive development
tools and techniques for developing international executives
experiential issues and action learning in global organizations
anticipatory learning for global concerns
Today, more than ever, piloting your global organization through a world of changing management systems and executive development programs can be overwhelming. But the unique perspectives you'll find in this time-saving collection will start you off right. So, whether you're a human resource development practitioner, a human resource executive, or an academic in human resource development, you'll profit from the bevy of intellectual insight and real-world experience that some of the world's most successful authorities have organized for you in the pages of Executive Development and Organizational Learning for Global Business.
About the Editors
Introduction: Seven Imperatives for Executive Education and Organizational Learning in the Global World
Think and Act Globally
Become an Equidistant Global Learning Organization
Focus on the Global System, Not Its Parts
Develop Global Leadership Skills
Empower Teams to Create a Global Future
Make Learning a Core Competence for Your global Organization
Regularly Reinvent Yourself and the Global Organization
Chapter 1. Anticipatory Learning for Global Organization
The Organizational Learning Imperative
All Learning Is Not Equal
The Organizational Learning Matrix
Forecasting versus Creating the Future
From the Forecasted Future to the Invented Future
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 2. Do Cultural Differences Make a Difference? Contextual Factors Affecting Cross-cultural Relationship Success
In Search of Cultural Differences
The Foreign Acquisitions Study
Culture versus Context as an Explanatory Factor
Contextual Factors as Key Determinants of Cross-Cultural Relationship Success
The Negative Side of Cross-Cultural Interaction: Threat and Prejudice
The Attribution of Organizational Problems to National Culture
Chapter 3. Managing Globally Competent People
Transnationally Competent Managers
The Globalization of Business: Strategy, Structure, and Managerial Skills
Transnational Human Resource Systems
Today's Firms: How Transnational?
Illusions and Recommendations
Chapter 4. Creating a High-Performance International Team
Establishing the Context of the Growing Number of International Teams
Creating and Managing an International Team
Managing the Geographical Distances Managing Globally Competent People
Creating a High Performance International Team (Sue Canney Davison)
Establishing the Context of the Growing Number of International Teams
Creating and Managing an international Team
Managing the Geographical Distances
Working Within the Team
Chapter 5. Selecting Training Methodology for International Managers
A Model for Managerial Training for International Assignments
A Theoretical Base for Training Methodology
Management Development Methods
Developing Cognitive Competencies
Developing Behavioral Competencies with Experiential Methods
Developing Performance Competencies
Summary and Case Application of the Training Model
Recommendations for future Research
Chapter 6. Creating Scenarios and Cases for Global Anticipatory Learning
Review of Anticipatory Learning Program Issues
Scenario Planning
Chapter 7. A Culture-General Assimilator: Preparation for Various Types of Sojourns
Rationale for Materials Development
The Culture-Assimilator Format
Learning the Ropes
The Themes Around Which the One Hundred Incidents Were Developed
Uses for Culture-General Assimilator
Chapter 8. Action Learning: Executive Development of Choice for the 1990s
What Is Action Learning?
Traditional Approaches to Action Learning
Unique Action Learning Adaptations
Chapter 9. Case Studies of International Management Development
Needs Analysis for International Training
Program Design and Development
Training for Trainers
Cultural Awareness
International Negotiation
Consulting in a Multicultural Environment
Communication in a International Context
Expatriate Preparation
Managing Internationally
An Application by ICM Management Training in Russia: Traps and Gaps
Chapter 10. Systems Dynamics and Anticipatory Learning
Examples of Microworlds
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