13th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 4-6 July 1999, Tomsk, Russia
Leonid N. Sinitsa, editor ; Yurii N. Ponomarev, Valery I. Perevalov, coeditors ; sponsored by Bruker Analutik GmbH and Bruker Medical GmbH/Bruker Physik AG ... [et al.] ; supported by Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Russian Academy of Sciences ... [et al.]
(Proceedings / SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering, v. 4063)
SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, c2000
High-resolution molecular spectroscopy
Includes bibliographical references and index
SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering
SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering