Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in Raza Library, Rampur
prepared by Imtiyāz̤ ʿAlī ʿArs̲h̲ī
(Raza Library publication series, no. 12,
Raza Library Trust, 1963-1977
京都大学 大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 グローバル専攻
v. 1COE-WA||026.2||Raz||1-1200010090247,
京都大学 文学研究科 図書館 西南ア史
v. 1J4||30199059195,
v. 1XII/1-A/241UID353951-1,
v. 1HUB/H1/600418/10000600418,
v. 14-01 W:020:ars 10014640163,
Contents. v. 1. Quranic sciences & the science of traditions -- v. 2. Prayers, theology & polemics -- v. 3. Principles of jurisprudence, dialectics, polemics, jurisprudence and law of inheritance -- v. 4. Sufism, holy scriptures, logic & philosophy -- v. 5. Mathematics, medicine, natural science, agriculture, occult sciences, ethics & politics, education & military science -- v. 6. History, biography, travels & geography
Vol. 4 in 1983 printing, title slightly changes: Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in Rampur Raza Library
Raza Library Trust