Praise for Sectrets and Lies "This is a business issue, not a technical one, and executives can no longer leave such decisions to techies. That's why Secrets and Lies belongs in every manager's library." Business Week "Clear and passionate, this is the definitive book on Internet security from the leading thinker on the subject." The Industry Standard "Startlingly lively...a jewel box of little surprises you can actually use." Fortune "Secrets is a comprehensive, well-written work on a topic few business leaders can afford to neglect." Business 2.0 "Instead of talking algorithms to geeky programmers, [Schneier] offers a primer in practical computer security aimed at those shopping, communicating or doing business online almost everyone, in other words." The Economist "Schneier peppers the book with lively anecdotes and aphorisms, making it unusually accessible." Los Angeles Times
THE LANDSCAPE. Digital Threats. Attacks. Adversaries. Security Needs. TECHNOLOGIES. Cryptography. Cryptography in Context. Computer Security. Identification and Authentication. Networked-Computer Security. Network Security. Network Defenses. Software Reliability. Secure Hardware. Certificates and Credentials. Security Tricks. The Human Factor. STRATEGIES. Vulnerabilities and the Vulnerability Landscape. Threat Modeling and Risk Assessment. Security Policies and Countermeasures. Attack Trees. Product Testing and Verification. The Future of Products. Security Processes. Conclusion. Afterword. Resources. Index.
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