Ioannis Stobaei Anthologivm
recensvervnt Cvrtivs Wachsmvth et Otto Hense
Weidmann, 1974-1975
Joannis Stobaei Anthologium
Reprint of [2nd ed.] 1958 published, [1st ed. (1884-1912 published) with "Appendix" published 1923]
recensvit Cvrtivs Wachsmvth
Weidmann 1974 3 Ioannis Stobaei Anthologivm / recensvervnt Cvrtivs Wachsmvth et Otto Hense V.1-2
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recensvervnt Otto Hense
Weidmann 1974-1975 3 Ioannis Stobaei Anthologivm / recensvervnt Cvrtivs Wachsmvth et Otto Hense V. 3-5
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