This text describes the functioning of the brain and its nerve cells, and is aimed at the first-time student. It presents an overview of brain anatomy and physiology, from molecules to the mind, and concludes with discussions of learning and memory, and language and consciousness. The third edition includes: developments in cognitive neuroscience, with expanded, illustrated coverage of imaging work; more on ageing and Alzheimer's disease; and revised presentation of visual systems emphasizing higher visual functions in the ventral and dorsal streams. There is also a printed test bank supplement.
- Brain and neuron
- neuron
- membranes and potentials
- synaptic transmission
- neurotransmitters and chemical circuits in the brain
- peptides, hormones and the brain
- biological imperatives - the hypothalamic connection
- sensory processes
- motor control systems
- life cycle of the brain - development, placticity, and ageing
- learning, memory and the brain
- language, consciousness and the brain. Appendix: a tiny bit of chemistry, physics, pharmacology and molecular biology.
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