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ISBN 9780719040269
How is it that the age of Enlightenment gave rise to the genre of the literary ghost story? What did the term 'Gothic' mean, when Horace Walpole used it in the subtitle of his experimental novel The Castle of Otranto? How did a type of writing which broke. Based on intensive research, it demonstrates the importance of a historical understanding of the genre, and will be influential in the development of Gothic studies.. It is prestigious and timely: Gothic is a highly active research area and has a growing presence in the university syllabus.. Clery and Miles are well-respected and much cited critics who have alredy published widely in this field.. This is a unique anthology filling an important gap in the market; an indispensible resource for students, teachers and scholars. -- .
- Part 1 Supernaturalism - religion, folklore, Shakespeare: "A true relation of the apparition of Mrs Veal" (1706), Daniel Defoe
- "Spectator", nos. 12 and 110 (1711, Joseph Addison
- a night piece on death (1721), Thomas Parnell' William and Margaret (1724), William Mallet
- political vampires (1732), "The Craftsman"
- on the Cock Lane ghost (1762), Horace Walpole
- narrative drawn up by Mr John Wesley, and published by him in the Arminian Magazine (1784), John Wesley
- the example of Shakespeare
- "The Entertainer" (1754), Arthur Murphy
- on the preternatural beings, from an essay on the "Writings and Genious of Shakespeare" (1769), Elizabeth Montagu
- an ode on the popular superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland, considered as the subject of poetry (1749-50), William Collins. Part 2 Gothic origins: from "Germania", Tacitus
- "Liberty" (1734-6), James Thomson
- from "Common Sense", Dec. 15, no. 150
- from "The Feudal and Anglo-Norman government and manners (1748), Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu
- "The Fool of Quality", or, "The History of Henry, Earl of Morland" (1765), Henry Brooke
- "Letters on chivalry and romance" (1762), Richard Hurd
- of the origin of romantic fiction in Europe, "History of English Poetry" (1774-81), Thomas Warton
- "A Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, The Son of Fingal" (1763), Hugh Blair
- "The Minstrel
- or The Progress of Genius" (1770, 1774), James Beattie
- "On Fable and Romance" (1783), James Beattie
- "Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythinas or Goths" (1787), John Pinkerton
- lectures on the gothic mind and gothic literature and art (1814), S.T. Coleridge. Part 3 The gothic aesthetic - imagination, originality, terror: from "Of Heroique playes", prefixed to "The Conquest of Granada (1670), John Dryden
- from "The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry" (1704), John Dennis
- "the Spectator", no. 419 (1712), Joseph Addison
- Garrick's performance of the ghost scenes in "Hamlet" (1776), Georg Christoph
- "Ode to Fear" (1746), William Collins
- from "A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful" (1715), Edmund Burke
- originality
- from "Conjectures on Original Composition" (1759), Edward Young
- from the preface aide the second edition of "The Castle of Otranto" (1765), Horace Walpole
- from "An Essay on Original Genius and its various modes of exertion in Philosophy and the Fine Arts, particularly in Poetry (1767), William Duff
- on the pleasure derived from objects of terror
- with Sir Bertrand, a fragment (1773), John Aikin, Anna Laetitia Aikin (later Barbauld). (Part contents).
- 巻冊次
: pbk ISBN 9780719040276
How is it that the age of Enlightenment gave rise to the genre of the literary ghost story? What did the term 'Gothic' mean, when Horace Walpole used it in the subtitle of his experimental novel The Castle of Otranto? How did a type of writing which broke. Based on intensive research, it demonstrates the importance of a historical understanding of the genre, and will be influential in the development of Gothic studies.. It is prestigious and timely: Gothic is a highly active research area and has a growing presence in the university syllabus.. Clery and Miles are well-respected and much cited critics who have alredy published widely in this field.. This is a unique anthology filling an important gap in the market; an indispensible resource for students, teachers and scholars. -- .
1. Supernaturalism: religion, folklore, Shakespeare
2. Gothic origins
3. The Gothic aesthetic: imagination, originality, terror
4. Anti-Gothic
5. Gothic and revolution
6. Gothic renovations
Bibliography -- .
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