Eminent development economists tackle the question of how to design, construct and administer an economic system that will function efficiently and assure improved living standards, while respecting individual freedoms and social justice.
Part 1 Concepts: equity and efficiency in development - basic concepts, Benjamin Higgins
development, equity, and liberation, Kenneth Boulding. Part 2 Facts: development, efficiency, and equity in historical perspective, W.W. Rostow
equity and efficiency in the "mature" socialist society, the USSR, Nicolas Spulber
what is the evidence on income inequality and development?, Irma Adelman. Part 3 Policy: fiscal equity and economic development, Richard Musgrave
the status and efficiency of regional development policies, Albert Breton
regional policies for equity - can they be justified?, Niles Hansen
equity, efficiency, and the managerial paradigm, Robin Marris
hunger, Paul Streeten
the overexpansion of higher education in the Third World, Mark Blaug. Part 4 International aspects: new directions in Canada's foreign aid? the Winegard Report and beyond, Irving Brecher with the assistance of David Gillies
the static welfare economics of foreign aid - a consolidation, Murray C. Kemp
trade restrictions versus foreign aid as a means of improving a country's welfare, John S. Chipman
the underdevelopment of development, Andre Ounder Frank and Marta Fuentes Frank
towards a new paradigm? two views, Donald J. Savoie and Benjamin Higgins.