This first volume in the series "Advances in Agricultural Economic History", includes articles on the topics of Italian sharecropping, agricultural wage discrimination, factor endowment and contract choice, as well as new total factor productivity measures for the United States.
Editor's Introduction. Hours at work and total factor productivity growth in nineteenth-century U.S. agriculture (L.A. Craig, T. Weiss). Migration, labor market dynamics and wage differentials in Hawaii's sugar industry, 1901-1915 (S.J. La Croix, P. Fishback). Did the black-white income gap close during the late nineteenth century? (A.P. O'Brien). Cooperation and cooperatives in Southern European wine production: the nature of successful institutional innovation 1880-1950 (J. Simpson). Factor endowments and contract choice: why were sugar cane supply contracts different in Cuba and Hawaii, 1900-1929? (A. Dye). Moral hazard and asset specificity in the Renaissance: the economics of sharecropping in 1427 Florence (F.L. Galassi). Squatting and the settlement of the United States: new evidence from post-gold rush California (K. Clay, W. Troesken). The social prologue to the civil rights movements (J.R. Mandle).
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