The present Index Generalis 1982-1997 adopts the same style as the previous one, Tables Generales 1924-1981, in its two main parts: Articuli, Notae et Miscellanea and Recensiones. The section Articuli includes also the articles published in Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium (BETL) and in the series Annua Nuntia Lovaniensa (ANL) and Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia (SNTA). A presentation of the volumes published in these three series is provided in the section 1982-1997. Under the new rubric Personalia, the scientific career and the writings of Professors A. De Halleux (+1994), A. Houssiau and G. Thils (honorary members) are retraced by their successors. Finally, under the title Analysis, the publications of Old Testament, New Testament, Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology and Sacramental Theology receive a tentative evaluation. The Introduction is written by F. Neirynck, general editor of BETL, and from 1981 to 1997, the devoted secretary and chairperson of the editorial board of ETL.
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