From John Marshall, the greatest Supreme Court Justice, to Alfred Moore, one of the worst, Bernard Schwartz's "A Book of Legal Lists" --the first ever compiled--provides the Ten Bests and Worsts in American law, and also includes answers to 150 trivia questions about the legal world. Each list entry is accompanied by a short essay by Schwartz explaining why it is a best or a worst, and it is in these essays that we gain a wealth of information about the legal world. With "A Book of Legal Lists," Bernard Schwartz provides legal experts and non-experts alike with entertaining information in a format that can be found nowhere else: Ten Greatest Trials--from Andrew Johnson's impeachment to "The People v. O.J. Simpson" Ten Greatest Supreme Court Decisions--including "Brown v. Board of Education" and "United States v. Nixon" Ten Worst Supreme Court Decisions--including "Dred Scott v. Sanford" and "Korematsu v. United States" Ten Greatest Lawyers--from Alexander Hamilton to Thurgood MarshallTen Worst Supreme Court Justices--including Rufus W. Peckman and Charles W. WhittakerTen Greatest Legal Movies--from "Adam's Rib" to "The Verdict" And many more Ten Bests and Worsts in American LawPlus 150 entertaining and informative trivia questions
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