The languages of Israel : policy, ideology, and practice
Bernard Spolsky and Elana Shohamy
(Bilingual education and bilingualism / series editors, Colin Baker and Nancy Hornberger, 17)
Multilingual Matters, 1999
: hbkP/119.32.I75/S76167176
: pbk.2:15991377
: pbk802.279||Sp6206168
: pbk.802.9279||Sp200900222
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文言語 : pbk802.285||Sp41341994
: pbk306.44/S2200101179
: hbk802.27:Sp-6/HL0755000500400540 Includes bibliographical references and index 内容説明 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より series editors, Colin Baker and Nancy Hornberger
Multilingual Matters
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