EPDIC 6 : proceedings of the sixth European Powder Diffraction Conference, held August 22-25, 1998 in Budapest, Hungary


EPDIC 6 : proceedings of the sixth European Powder Diffraction Conference, held August 22-25, 1998 in Budapest, Hungary

editors, R. Delhez and E. J. Mittemeijer

(Materials science forum, v. 321-324)

Transtech Publications, c2000

  • : set
  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2

European Powder Diffraction

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS). The proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Powder iffraction cover 191 papers in the areas of X-ray and neutron diffraction (36 papers). Chapters on Method Development, Development of Instruments and Techniques, Software, Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction offer new ideas on subjects as Microstructure of Materials, Determination of Crystallographic Structure, Quantitative Phase Analysis, and Texture & Coarse Grains. Developments in analysis using the X-ray lens -a bundle of glass capillaries- and single or double X-ray mirrors continue.


  • Long Standing Problems in Organometallic Chemistry Solved by Powder Diffraction Resolution Enhancement: What Does Deconvolution Offer? Powder Pattern Decomposition with the Aid of Preferred Orientation - Experimental Test Anisotropic Line Broadening from Stacking Faults in Rietveld Refinement Molecular Modelling Features in XPD Rietveld Refinement of Organic Structures Towards the Solution of Organic Crystal Structures by Powder Diffraction Powder and Single-Crystal X-Ray Structural Refinement on a Natural Chromite: Dependence of Site Occupancies on Experimental Strategies Quantitative Phase Analysis: Rietveld Method Versus Full-Pattern Method with Whole Observed Standard Profiles Quantitative Analysis of Energetic Materials with X-Ray Diffraction and Rietveld Refinement Analysis of Residual Stress States X-Ray Residual Stress Gradient Analysis under Difficult Conditions - Attempts for Improving Solution X-Ray Analysis of Residual Stresses and Stress-Free Lattice Parameters in Thin Gradient Coatings Extinction Study of Dislocations (Bragg Diffraction) Characterisation of Dislocation Types in a Plastically Deformed Aluminium Base Alloy Calculation of Diffraction Patterns of Close-Packed Polytypes with Random Shearing Stacking Faults Full Profile Analysis of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Pattern of HCP Crystal with Stacking Faults Peculiarities of X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals with Diffuse Boundaries of Twin on System {011}, Effect of Coherent Disortion Around Spherical Particles on X-Ray Diffuse Scattering Effective Mosaic Spread: A Way to Study Bulk Samples of Middle Misorientation A New Method for Estimation and Correction of the Degree of Preferred Orientation of Calcite and Dolomite in Limestone and Marbles X-Ray Diffraction Method of Grain Size Measurement X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of Textured Films Accounting for Secondary Extinction Proficiency Testing of Instruments - A Key Element for Quality Assurance in X-Ray Powder Diffraction Part 1: Matching the Effort to the Actual Needs An X-Ray Powder Diffraction Investigation of a Fine-Grained Synthetic -Cordierite Powder Application of Experimental Performance Criteria for Optimal Design of Angular Dispersive Powder Diffractometers Multicapillary Optics for Materials Science Studies Design Optimisation of a High-Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer for In-Situ Determination of Lattice Mismatch and Residual Stress - the Hotbird Spatially Modulated Advanced X-Ray Optics Application of Ni/C Goebel Mirrors Effect of Ion-Beam Polishing on the Interface Quality in a Ti/C Multilayer Mirror for 'Water Window' Handling of Unusual Instrumental Profiles by the BGMN Rietveld Program A Rietveld-Analysis Programm RIETAN-98 and its Applications to Zeolites A New High Precision Strain Scanner at the ILL A Versatile Diffraction Instrument on Station 2.3 of the Daresbury Laboratory High Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements of 2D Residual Stress States in Metal Matrix Composites Crystallisation Kinetics and Phase Relations of Wollastonite by Real Time Synchrotron Powder Diffraction The Investigation of Silicon anf Boron Carbonitride Films Structure by Diffration of Sychrotron Radiation Structural Studies by Neutron Powder Diffraction, State of the Art Neutron Reflectivity, a Tool for Thin Film Characterization High-Resolution Diffraction using Larmor Precession of Polarised Neutrons Silver Behenate as a Standard for Instrumental Resolution and Wavelength Calibration for Small Angel Neutron Scattering Evaluation of High-Resolution SANS Measurements in Multiple Scattering Regime Unsteady Texture Components in Two-Phase Materials as a Result of Strain Inhomogenetiy Combination of X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction for Determination of Partial Pair Correlation Functions of Amorphous Alloys: A New Approach Polarisation Analysis Diffraction on a Pulsed Source Focusing Bent Perfect-Crystal Neutron Monochromator - A Key to High-Resolution Stress/Strain Measurement Studies of Polycrystalline Materials- High Resolution TOF Neutron Powder Diffractometer with Supermirror Guide Russian-French High Resolution Multi-Section Neutron Powder Diffractometer The High Intensity Two Axis Neutron Diffractometer D20 First Results New One and Two-Coordinate Detectors in SSRC Development of the DN-12 Time to Flight Neutron Spectrometer for Investigation of Microsamples under High External Pressure Application Spectrum and Data Quality of the Time-to-Flight Neutron Diffractometer ROTAX at ISIS New Developments in Instrumentation for Strain Scanning in NPI Rez Evolution of Microstructure of Nanocrystalline SiC under High Pressures Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Cation Distribution in ZnxMn3-xO4 Structural Response of Nanoscale Mechanosynthesized Zinc Ferrtie to Changes in Temperature Phase Transition of Ba2In2O5 in Humid Air Studies by In-Situ X-Ray Powder Diffraction Reaction Kinetics of Yttrium Iron Garnet Formation in Air up to 1400 Degrees Structure Determination of CaH2P2O7 From In Situ Powder Diffraction Data In Situ XRD Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Mechanically Treated Dolomite In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction of Catalysts. Phase Transformation of Cu/Cr-Oxides with Different Initial Structure under Redox Conditions Temperature and Time Resolved Studies of the Titanium Silicide Formatin with GIXRD abd GIXR Texture and Secondary Extinction of Vacuum Deposited Ag Films Characterization of Plasma Treated Al-Films by GIXR and GIXRD Texture Organisation in Deposited Cu - Layers Application of the Monte Carlo Method to Fiber Texture of Electrolytically Deposited Ni Films Structure and Composition of Aluminised Layers and RF-Sputtered Alumina Coatings on High Chromium Martensitic Steel Analysis of the State of Stress in Precipitating Alloy Films. Precipitation of Ti in Mo-Ti Films GIXR and GIXRD Investigations of ITO Films during Post-Deposition Annealing Strain-Texture Correlation in r.f. Magnetron Sputtered Thin Films X-Ray Characterization of LPOMVPE Grown AlAs/GaAs Multilayer Characterization of Ni80Fe20/Cu Multilayers by X-Ray Reflection Using Anomalous Scattering Investigation of SiGe/Si - Heterostructures with High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Methods XRD Study Thermal Stability of Mo/V Crystalline Multilayers Neutron Scattering Study of Polymer Membrane Based on Interpenetrating Network Interface Characterization of Immiscible Polymer Blends by Means of XR and NR Investigations Temperature-Dependent X-Ray Scattering Studies on Radiation Grafted and Sulfonated Poly(Vinylidene Flouride) Phase Composition of Metalcontaining Nanoparticles in Polymetallocarbosilanes On the Separation of Inter- and Intramolecular Elastic Neutron Scattering Intensity: The Case of Liquid CS2 Short-Range Order in Be40Zr60 Metallic Glass Neutron Study of Dynamic Atomic Correlations in Amorphous Isotopic Ni-B Alloys X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Structure Ti1-xNix Amorpous Alloys Atomic Structure of Re-Si Amorphous Alloys Short Range Structure, Phase Transformations and Electron Transport Properties of Amorphous Alloys Re100-xHfx (x=4-91at. %) A Study of the Structural Units in Some Amorphous Semiconductors of the Cu-As-Se-I System by X-Ray Analysis The Temperature Interval of the Existence of Ferroelectric Centers in the Amorphous Fe-Sb-S-I System Structure and Crystallization Kinetics of Sodium Tetrasilicate Glass: A High Temperature Neutron Diffraction Study The Effect of the Pyrimidine Ligand on the Structure of Amorphous Platinum Green AWAXS Study of Platinum Uridine Blue and Green Selenate Metal Clusters in Metal/C60 Thin Film Nanosystems Crystal Structure of Spark Erosion Treated Surface of Cobalt Diffraction Analysis of Microtexture Development in Plastically Deformed Copper X-Ray Diffraction on Metallic Samples Subjected to Heating-Cooling Cycles. Preliminary Results X-Ray Analysis of Bulk Nanostructured Metals A Nonequilibrium Structural State of Metallic Materials Induced by Irradiation The Influence of the Adjustment on the Bulk Texture of a Copper Rod Effect of Laser Heating on Structural State of -Iron Change of Internal Strains in Ultrafine-Grained Nickel Due to Cyclic Plastic Deformation Unit Cell Parameters and Densities of the Solid Solution Pd(B) The Strained Lattice of Porous Si Studied by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Magnetic Properties of R2AgIn3 Compounds (R=Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) Measurement and Simulation of Extrusion Textures in Al-Mg Composites Residual Strains in Al-Mg Composites Deformed by Extrusion. Experimental Data and Simulations Niobium Texture of an Extruded Al-Nb Bar after Different Annealing Phase Transitions in the System Al-Zn The Order-Disorder Transition in Alloys with Long Period X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of Multilayer Polytypes Formation Induced by Mechanical Milling of Laves Phases Co2+xNb The Magnetic Structure of Dy3Co Time of Flight Neutron Diffraction on Mn5Si3 Magnetic Structure Magnetic Structure of Tb5Sn3 Compound Structural and Magnetic Order of ThMn12-Type Rare Earth-Iron-Aluminium Intermetallics Studied by Neutron Diffraction Preparation and Analysis of Quasicrystalline Phases by High Energy Ball Milling and X-Ray Diffraction Icosahedral Nano-Phases in the Al-Mn-Ce System Neutron Scattering Study of Magnetic Phases in (Fe1-xCox) Ge2 Formation of Nanocrystals by Crystallization of Amorphous Fe-Si-B Based Alloys Crystal Structure of PdNiAs, Ordered Member of Isomorphous Series Pd2As-Ni2As Powder Neutron Diffraction on TbPdIn and DyPdIn Theoretical and Experimental Study of the R Phase Structure in Ti50Ni48.7Co1.3 Alloy Profile Shape Analysis of XRD Peaks of a Quenched Tool Steel Orientation Dependent Intragranular Stored Energy in Polycrystalline Ti-IF Steel Investigation of Residual Stresses in Shape Welded Steel Tube by the Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction Technique Neutron Diffraction Study of Stress Field Distribution in Automotive Gears Structure and Composition of Zircaloy-4 Surface Layers Formed in High Pressure Steam at 400 DegreesC and 450 DegreesC Evidence of Second Order Stresses of Plastic Origin in Zircaloy-4 Sheets Residual Stress and Microstructure of CoNiCrAlY Coated Superalloys Upon Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Stress-Strain Analyses of Powder Tubes at the Stretch Process X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of Thermally Annealed Nanometric Alumina Powder High Temperature Oxidation of Iron in its Initial Phase Studied by Grazing X-Ray Reflectometry Magnetic Particle Structure Ordering in Ferrogel under Applied Field Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Lanthanide Orthochromites LnCrO3 Neutron Diffraction Investigation of Cationic Distribution in NixCo3-xO4 Spinels Copper Substitution in (Cu,Mn)7O12 Braunite: A Combined Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study Distribution and Ordering of Lithium Ions in the Spinel Solid Solutions of Li0.5Fe2.5O4 and LiMn2O4 Structural and Magnetic Variations of ZnFe2O4 Spinels-Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies High Pressure Diffraction Studies of the Spinel Oxides NiMn2O4 Neutron Diffraction Study of Crystal and Magnetic Structure of Samarium-Strontium Manganite Charge, Orbital and Magnetic Ordering in La0.333Ca0.667MnO3 X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study on the Al-for-Fe Substitution in Nickel Ferrite and Cadmium-Nickel Ferrites Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study of the SrCr8Ga4O19 Kagome Compound Synthesized by Citrate Route Non-Isothermal Pyrolysation of the Spray-Frozen Freeze Dried Complex Nitrate in Bi(Pb)-Sr(Ba)-Ca-Cu System Investigated by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Study of Ion Charge Change in Oxide Crystals by Means of Neutron Powder Diffraction Data Solid Solution Compositions of Pb3(Sr, Ca)5CuOy and Refinement with the Rietveld Method Structural and Moessbauer Study of the HTSC Pb2Sr2Y0.5Ca0.5Cu2.94Fe0.06O8+ Powder Influece of Cyclic Thermal Treatment Near the First Order Phase Transition on the Supramolecular Structure of C60 Phase Transitions in C60 and C70 Fullerites at High Temperature and High Pressures Neutron Scattering Study of Heavy Water and Ice under Hydrostatic Ar Pressure Phase Transformations in Cul under High Pressure and Shear Deformation Conditions Neutron Diffraction Study of Structural Changes in Ammonium Halides ND4X(X=F, Br, Cl, I) under High Pressure Structure of Ti3SiC2 Sphalerite-Cinnabar Phase Transition in Hg1-xFexS Investigations on Layered Calciumaluminatehydrates Containing Sulfonic Ions High-Temperature Diffraction Study of Solid Solution System (Cr1-xAlx)(H2O)6(No3)3 * 3H2O Investigations on Lamellar Calciumaluminatenitratehydrate Using TTK Low-Temperature Camera High-Temperature X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study on the Phase Transition between the -Quartz and the -Cristobalite-Like Phase of GaPO4 X-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies of Phase Transitions in LiCsSO4 Structural Studies of a Carbonate Fluorapatite from Powder Neutron Diffraction Data Rietveld Structure Refinement of Pr Doped Zirconia Neutron Diffraction Investigation of RbNiF3 Investigation of the Crystal Structure of the Hexagonal RbZnF3 Perovskite by Powder and Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Methods Crystal Structure of Cubic KMe[M(CN)6]2 and Monoclinic Mn3[Fe(CN)6]2 with Me=Co, Ni, Cu
  • M=Co, Fe The Structure of Potassium Aluminium Oxide KAlO2 Electron and X-Ray Diffraction of -VOPO4 X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of LiLnTiO4 (Ln=La, Nd): A Lithium-Ion Conductor Discovery and Investigation of the Magnetic Structure of Terbium Formate Tb(DCOO)3 A Powder Diffraction Study of the Crystal Structure and the Dehydration Process of Yttrium Potassium Oxalate Tetrahydrate NH4(VO2)2PO4 x 3H2O - Ab Initio Structure Analysis and its Transformation during the Ammoxidation of Toluene Rietveld Refinement of Ca0.54La0.46Mg0.23Ti0.77O3 - A Promising New Microwave Ceramic A Unique Sr-Rich K-Richterite from Siberia: Rietveld Structure Refinement X-Ray Investigation of the Phase and Mineral Composition of Luzhenga and Vyatka Meteorites X-Ray Analysis od Al5C3N and Properties of Steel Mineralogical Phase Analysis in Monumental Tuffeau Limestone by X-Ray Powder Diffraction X-Ray Diffraction of Ag-Clad (Bi, Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Superconducting Tapes with the GADDS System Quantification of Calcium Sulpho-Aluminate Cement by Rietveld Analysis Interpretation of the Complex X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns of Mixed-Layer lllite/Smectite from the Terrigenous Deposits, West-Siberian Plate Microstructure and Early Stages of the Growth of Nanoscale Zinc Oxide Crystallites Obtained from Two Precursors Dependence of Sizes and Shapes of Crystallites in Zinc Oxide Powder on Annealing Temperature Neutron Diffraction as a Tool for Microstrain Characterization of Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloy after Thermal Fatigue Kinetics of Ag Distribution in High Lead Glass by Real Time Synchrotron Powder Diffraction XRD and Optical Characterisation of GaN and Associated Substrate Materials X-Ray Diffraction Line Broadening Analysis of Galena Powders: A Clue to Some Practices on Mineral Crushing in Ancient Egypt Line-Profile Analysis of Nanostructured ZnO Powders Obtained by Freeze-Drying Method Pd-Clusters on Carbon: Structure of Adsorbed PdCl2 Clusters and Interaction with Matrix Disordered Structure of VOHPO4 x 0.5 H2O by Mechanical Treatment Highly Oriented Layers of Hexaphenyl Thin Films for Application in Light Emitting Diodes Crystal Structures of Bicyclic Organic Molecules Preparation and Study of Phase Transformation of the Azido Complex [N(CH3)4][CD(N3)3] by X-Ray Powder Diffraction and DSC Neutron Powder Profile Study of Solid Dibromochloromethane and Bromodichloromethane Neutron Diffraction Study of Thermal Expansion and Compressibility of Pyridinium Nitrate and Tetrafluoroborate The Influence of New Chiral Additives on Phase Transitions of Binary Mixtures of Some Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Study of Polyvinylpyrrolidone-C60 Complex in Water Solution by Neutron and Light Scattering and Viscosimetry X-Ray Scattering Study on Edible Potato Tubers (S. Tuberosum) The Study of Phase Transitions of Binary Liquid Crystalline Mixtures

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  • ISBN
    • 0878498478
    • 0878498486
    • 0878498494
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Zuerich-Uetikon, Switzerland
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v. (xxviii, 1153 p.)
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID

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