In the interwar period, Red Army commanders headed by Tukhachevskii developed a new doctrine of mobile warfare and 'deep operations'. The military requirements of armaments and industrial production in the event of war was a central parameter in Stalinist industrialization. Based on recently opened Russian archives, the book analyzes military dimensions of Soviet long-term economic and military reconstruction plans from the mid-1920s until 1941. It presents a new framework for estimating the Soviet war-economic preparations, drastically underestimated by contemporaries.
List of Tables Glossary of Russian Terms Foreword Acknowledgements Introduction Visions of Future War Organising for Modern Total War, 1921-1928 Launching the First Five-Year Plan Changing Military Requirements, 1931-1932 New Threat Assessments and War Plans, 1933-1936 Plans for Red Army Expansion, 1933-1937 Terror and War-Economic Planning, 1937-1941 Conclusion Appendices Notes Sources and Literature Index
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