A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of democracy. How can the European Union be made more democratic? In whose Europe, a team of international scholars identifies barriers to further democratisation, explore potential bridges to greater democratic participation, and analyse the long term social processes shaping the new Europe.
Prologue vii
John Rex
The Turn towards democracy 1
Dennis Smith and Sue Wright
Our `common European home' - but who owns the house? 21
John Markoff
Language, autonomy and national identity in Catalonia 48
Charlotte Hoffman
A community that can communicate? The linguistic factor in European integration 79
Sue Wright
Third country nationals as European citizens: the case defended 104
Andreas Follesdal
The European public sphere and the deficit of democracy 125
Reiner Grundmann
Extending ethnolinguistic democracy in Europe: the case of Wales 147
Stephen May
Towards a post-national polity: the emergence of the Network Society in Europe 173
Barrie Axford and Richard Huggins
Citizenship and human rights - particular and universal worlds and the prospects for European citizenship 207
David Jary
Making Europe - processes of Europe-formation since 1945 235
Dennis Smith
National pride and the meaning of Europe: a compative study of Britain and Spain 257
Pablo Jauregui
Democracy in Eastern Europe as a civilizing process 288
Harald Wydra
Notes on Contributors 311
Index 315
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