This volume reveals how social-cognitive structures and processes serve as a basis of personality coherence--the unique patterns of experience and action that make each of us who we are. In doing so, the volume demonstrates how a personality theory can be built on psychology's broader foundation of knowledge about cognitive and affective systems and the interactions between persons and the sociocultural environment. Presenting novel theoretical developments from leaders in personality, social, cultural, and developmental psychology, chapters show how personality coherence arises from the ways people assign meaning to social information, gain causal agency over their lives through self-knowledge and self-reflective processes, and organize multiple life events within a framework of goals and life tasks. The book stands as the most definitive presentation to date of the social-cognitive theories of personality.
I. Introduction
1. Social-Cognitive Theories and the Coherence of Personality, Cervone and Shoda
II. Knowledge Structures and Encoding Processes as a Source of Coherence
2. Dispositions and Coherence in a Cognitive-Affective Processing System (CAPS) Theory of Personality, Mischel
3. Persons and Situations: Separate Variables or Variability in General Principles?, Higgins
4. Personality Development from the Bottom Up, Zelli and Dodge
5. Relational Schemas: Research into Social Cognitive Aspects of Interpersonal Experience, Baldwin
6. Behavioral Expressions of a Personality System: Generation and Perception of Behavioral Signatures, Shoda
III. Self Processes and Personal Agency as a Basis of Personality Coherence
7. Social Cognitive Theory of Personality, Bandura
8. Yin and Yang of the Japanese Self: The Cultural Psychology of Personality Coherence, Kitayama and Markus
9. Bottom-Up Explanation in Personality Psychology: The Case of Cross-Situational Coherence, Cervone
IV. Goals and Life Tasks as a Source of Personality Coherence
10. A Goal Analysis of Personality and Personality Coherence, Grant and Dweck
11. A Life Task Perspective on Personality Coherence: Stability versus Change in Tasks, Goals, Strategies, and Outcomes, Sanderson and Cantor
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