Узаконенія и распоряженія о государственномъ дворянскомъ Земельномъ Банкѣ
(Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov, Institute of Russian history, Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-266)
IDC, c1995
[Microfiche ed.]
Uzakonenīi︠a︡ i raspori︠a︡zhenīi︠a︡ o gosudarstvennom dvori︠a︡nskom Zemelʹnom banki︠e︡
Microfiche. Originally published: С.-Петербургъ, 1887 ([3], 105 p.)
Title from original text
advisor: Yurii A. Petrov, Institute of Russian history
IDC [c1991] [Microfiche ed.]
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