Edited by leading figures in the field, this handbook gives an overview of the current status of cognition and emotion research by giving the historical background to the debate and the philosophical arguments before moving on to outline the general aspects of the various research traditions. This handbook reflects the latest work being carried out by the key people in the field.
About the Editors ix
List of Contributors xi
Foreword-Keith Oatley xvii
Preface xix
Part I General Aspects
Chapter 1 The cognition-emotion debate: a bit of history
Richard S. Lazarus 3
Chapter 2 The philosophy of cognition and emotion
William Lyons 21
Chapter 3 Basic emotions
Paul Ekman 45
Chapter 4 Research methods in cognition and emotion
W. Gerrod Parrott and Paula Hertel 61
Chapter 5 Cognition, emotion, conscious experience and the brain
Jeffrey A. Gray 83
Chapter 6 Neuropsychological perspectives on affective styles and their cognitive consequences
Richard J. Davidson 103
Chapter 7 The role of the self in cognition and emotion
Michael Lewis 125
Part II Cognitive Processes
Chapter 8 Selective attention and anxiety: a cognitive-motivational perspective
Karin Mogg and Brendan P. Bradley 145
Chapter 9 The cognitive science of attention and emotion
Gerald Matthews and Adrian Wells 171
Chapter 10 Mood and memory
Henry C. Ellis and Brent A. Moore 193
Chapter 11 Organization of emotional memories
Sven-Ake Christianson and Elisabeth Engelberg 211
Chapter 12 Autobiographical memory
Helen Healy and J. Mark G. Williams 229
Chapter 13 Inhibition processes in cognition and emotion: a special case
Tim Dalgleish, Andrew Mathews and Jacqueline Wood 243
Chapter 14 Prospective cognitions
Andrew K. MacLeod 267
Chapter 15 Unintended thoughts and images
Frank Tallis 281
Chapter 16 Facial expressions
Paul Ekman 301
Chapter 17 Distinguishing unconscious from conscious emotional processes: methodological considerations and theoretical implications
Arne OEhman 321
Chapter 18 Self-regulation, affect and psychosis: the role of social cognition in paranoia and mania
Richard P. Bentall and Peter Kinderman 353
Chapter 19 The early emergence of emotional understanding and appraisal: implications for theories of development
Nancy L. Stein. and Linda J. Levine 383
Part III Emotions
Chapter 20 Anger
Leonard Berkowitz 411
Chapter 21 Disgust: the body and soul emotion
Paul Rozin, Jonathan Haidt and Clark R. McCauley 429
Chapter 22 Anxiety and anxiety disorders
Colin MacLeod 447
Chapter 23 Panic and phobias
Richard J. McNally 479
Chapter 24 Sadness and its disorders
Mick J. Power 497
Chapter 25 Positive affect
Alice M. Isen 521
Chapter 26 The self-conscious emotions: shame, guilt, embarrassment and pride
June Price Tangney 541
Chapter 27 Jealousy and envy
Martin P. East and Fraser N. Watts 569
Part IV Theories in Cognition and Emotion
Chapter 28 Network theories and beyond
Joseph P. Forgas 591
Chapter 29 Attributional theories of emotion
Ian H Gotlib and Lynn Y. Abramson 613
Chapter 30 Appraisal theory
Klaus R. Scherer 637
Chapter 31 Multi level theories of cognition-emotion relations
John D. Teasdale 665
Chapter 32 Self-organization of cognition-emotion interactions
Marc D. Lewis and Isabela Granic 683
Part V Applied Issues
Chapter 33 Cognition and emotion research and the practice of cognitive behavioural therapy
Zindel V. Segal, Mark A. Lau and Paul D. Rokke 705
Chapter 34 Psychodynamic theory and technique in relation to research on cognition and emotion: mutual implications
Drew Westen 727
Chapter 35 Mechanisms of change in exposure therapy for anxiety disorders
Susan Mineka and Cannon Thomas 747
Chapter 36 Creativity in the domain of emotion
James R. Averill 765
Chapter 37 Forensic applications of theories of cognition and emotion
Debra A Bekerian and Susan J. Goodrich 783
Chapter 38 Cognition and emotion: future directions
Tim Dalgleish and Mick J. Power 799
Author index 807
Subject index 831
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